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How do pets influence our lives? Probably every child in childhood dreamed of having a pet and repeatedly begged their parents to buy one. Parents do not always meet these requests, citing the fact that the animal needs to be looked after, walked, monitored for its nutrition, entertained, and sometimes treated. Pets cause a lot of problems, wool all over the house, chewed furniture and much more another. In my opinion, children need such a friend in childhood, as he teaches to love, care, worry, share joy and, most importantly, teaches responsibility! Our family also has a wonderful member of the household named Alya. And I will tell you that this wonderful poodle has improved our lives with his presence. You ask: “How?” And I will answer you: “That she gives us an unlimited amount of love!” In my opinion, this is more than enough. Any pets reduce stress in their owners and help them avoid it. For example, canaries and parrots perfectly lift your spirits and save you from depression. What can we say about our four-legged friends, cats and dogs, whose constant communication and care simply does not leave time for sad thoughts. But it turns out that even watching aquarium fish can improve sleep, calm you down and reduce stress. You might have noticed that aquariums are often placed in relaxation rooms and in a psychologist’s office. Regular care for our little brothers can strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure. It is known that cats can relieve pain (especially with rheumatism and migraines) and reduce inflammation. Soft and fluffy pets will help relieve insomnia and reduce the manifestations of neurological diseases. Constant walks and walking larger pets strengthen muscles and joints. This is not to mention the general benefits of walking in the fresh air for human health. All pets influence the nervous system of their owners, strengthening it, allowing them to reduce temper and irritability. For example, the independent nature of cats conveys calm and balance to humans. Simply by caring for their little friends, people become much more self-confident, get rid of inhibitions and isolation, and also make many new acquaintances. Have you heard anything about “zootherapy”, sometimes it is called “pet therapy” or “animal therapy” “This is a method of treating patients with the help of domestic animals (dogs, horses, dolphins, rabbits, cats, birds, etc.). Pet therapy has become widespread in Western countries. Scientists have identified a beneficial effect on humans when communicating with animals, as well as the possibility of using the sensory properties (sense of smell) of dogs to diagnose human ailments. Today, many different studies are being conducted to study the influence of animals on people. K. Allen, a researcher at the State University of New York at Buffalo, is studying the health benefits of animals. K. Allen notes that dogs can help people cope with stress, although so far no one can explain the mechanism by which this happens. Also S. Barker (English Sandra B. Barker) and Kathryn S. Dawson (English Kathryn S. Dawson ) from the University of Virginia School of Medicine studied the effects of therapy dogs on the anxiety levels of hospitalized psychiatric patients with a wide range of diagnoses. The experiment revealed that animal-assisted therapy is more effective than traditional psychotherapy. Almost all patients showed significant reductions in anxiety levels with the help of animals. The exception was people with highly pronounced degrees of dependence. To one degree or another, therapy using animals appears to have a positive effect on the following diseases and conditions: Affective disorders (in particular, depression Psychosis Anxiety, distress Autism Child mental trauma Post-traumatic stress.
