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Of course, every parent has found himself in a situation where he and his child had to stand in line, be it at a clinic, in a store, or on the subway. Everyone is familiar with the situation when you have to wait with your child, sometimes long and stubbornly. Waiting for your turn sometimes becomes unbearable for an adult, so imagine how a child might feel in moments of painful waiting? Naturally, not in the best way. That’s when the pitiful or capricious begins to break through: “Ma-a-a-am, I’m bored!” And the children also begin to twirl, spin, jump, jump, point their fingers at random places, sing songs and even misbehave a little - this is how they entertain the poor themselves out of boredom. And what about the parents? And parents usually start scolding their children, wagging their fingers: “Don’t fidget!”, “Stop it now!”, “Stop fidgeting, sit still!”, “When we get home, you’ll stand in the corner,” “Quiet! Don't whine." This is because parents tend to forget that it turns out to be a real torment for the child to wait for something. Children are not adults, they don’t yet know how to just sit down and sit like that, immersed in their own thoughts, thoughts about the distant future, so children need to move! However, parents most often do not remember themselves in childhood and tend to equate their children with themselves, so They reprimand a bored and whining child with all sorts of harmful words, trying to call him to order. But this has no effect on the child at all! It is much better and more useful at this moment to play with him, to captivate him. You see, what’s the matter here, either you offer your child an activity that will help him get through this “boring time” more easily, or he will occupy himself at his own discretion, which you may really not like! For such situations, remember the games! Here are some of them. You can use them ready-made, or modify them and make your own adjustments. Remember, imagination and resourcefulness are welcome. Games may be different, but always interesting. So let's get started!1. “Find objects... colors.” This game trains attention well. Invite your child to find all the objects of a certain color in the room and quietly name them, while you count the finds, and you can even write down the results. Then you try to find objects of other colors a couple more times. After the task is consistently completed and all the results are recorded, ask the child what color of objects he found more. If you see that the child is tired, then you can conduct physical education! 2. “Sea Pitching” is a game that will help your child stretch his tired legs. To do this, you need to stand up straight, feet together or at a short distance from each other and slowly roll from heel to toe and back (just like in physical education lessons!), forward and backward, or sway left and right. Let the child imagine that he is the captain of a ship and is rocking on the waves.3. You can also play with your fingers. “Palms” is one of the favorite children's games, which can be used to drive away boredom. Before you start the game, you can sing a song: One, two, three, four, five - let's play ladushki! Now let's hit, faster and faster each time! This game lifts your mood, improves your well-being and distracts you from the hard work of standing (or sitting) in lines.4. "Merry hands." Together with your child, you can come up with a funny story, but every story has its own heroes! So make them from your palms - show your child how to make a dog, bird, deer or other animals (like in childhood, when they had a shadow theater). And then you can stage a whole mini-play.5. "Let's make a story!" While standing in line, make up fairy tales or funny stories with your child. You start composing, and then involve your child. You'll see how your child's imagination plays out and what an amazing story you may end up with, for example, about how an old creaky chair lived in a clinic, who wanted to travel all his life and one fine day he... (you can
