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From the author: Self-determination is a conscious choice, identification and affirmation by an individual of his position in various life situations. If we are talking about work, then this is the process of a person becoming a professional, in which the presence of personal meaning in this work becomes important. Each of us has ever been faced with a choice - what to do, what to choose, but at the same time not to make a mistake in making the only right decision, because sometimes our life, its qualitative change, depends on it. At such moments, we are tormented not only by questions, but also by sensations that gradually grow and develop from uncertainty into concerns, into fears and uncertainty. As a result, the ability to correctly and balancedly approach the choice comes to naught. It is for such situations that I offer my own techniques, which have been repeatedly tested in my sessions. Exercise “Horizon Line”. Purpose: self-analysis of the “strengths” and “weaknesses” of the problem situations for a clear choice and informed decision. Example. A young woman is faced with the choice of accepting an offer to move to a new job. At the moment, he has been working for a long time at one of the companies in the city, where he is satisfied with many things (team, management, work according to his profile, functionality, opportunities for a flexible schedule), but the salary is gradually falling and reaches the minimum level. The proposal is related to a family business, where interesting prospects and a decent income beckon, but uncertainty worries. Contents of the technique: It is proposed to focus on the problem situation. Next, draw a horizon line in the center across the entire sheet of paper (located in landscape A-3 format). Place two circles on the left and right as the basis for the suns. The circles are drawn in such a way that the line passes through their center. Assignment for the client: “The left sun is your present work, the right is your future (it’s better to sign them like that on top). You need to analyze both jobs using the same criteria. If the answer is yes and is an advantage, then it is placed above the horizon line. To do this, draw a ray and write along it this advantage in a specific form. If the answer is negative, then it accordingly needs to be written under the horizon line also on the ray line. A similar operation must be done with the vision of future work on the right sun. For clarity, it is better to use colored pens or felt-tip pens, so that at the end of the work you can not only track the number of positive and negative aspects, but also compare them according to the same evaluation criterion.” The criteria can be: “moral satisfaction from completing the work,” “ attitude in the team”, “management relationships”, “salary level”, “distance from home”, “work schedule”, “workplace, its comfort and equipment”, “availability of business trips”, “white salary”, “relaxations ( time off, sick leave, flexible hours, self-control)”, “relatives’ attitude towards work”, “the ability to painlessly combine work with personal life”, etc. At the end of the work, the client needs to independently analyze the content of the material. In addition, formulate questions for the “new” management based on those criteria that were not clear to yourself during the offer/interview.” Then make an informed choice in favor of one job or another. 2. Exercise “Tree of Personal Growth”. Purpose: self-analysis of the “strengths” and “weaknesses” of one’s character, which began to interfere in one’s personal life, finding their new facets to improve the situation; an objective vision of the partner’s qualities. Example. For quite a long time after betrayal and divorce, a woman cannot return to a full life for this reason. In her head she cannot let go of thoughts about her ex, she does not see the obvious disadvantages of his character, behavior before and after the divorce, she cannot forgive, but she also cannot live without him. Thus, it prevents you from even thinking about a bright future without him. Eventually -
