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From the author: Pain as a signal, get rid of it or accept it✓PAIN - AS A SIGNAL✓I am sure that every person is familiar with the feeling of pain. Different people live it in their own way, but sometimes they don’t, sometimes it hurts so much that you don’t have the strength to live it, that if you live it right now, you won’t be able to stand it and you’ll crumble, break. This is a very difficult condition. And a person chooses, often unconsciously, NOT TO LIVE, but to HIDE and DENY, maybe even accumulate pain until the time comes to open Pandora’s box. But for some, this time never comes. As a result, unlived pain responds in the body with health problems. Mental pain. What hurts inside us? Wound? Is it still bleeding? Is it already festering and ulcerating? Maybe we sometimes bandage it, but don’t allow ourselves to pick it up and clean it. Maybe with the last of our strength we believe that it will pass and resolve on its own. But the truth is that pain is a signal. A signal from our inner world that the boundaries have been broken, are being broken now, or at some point our life was suddenly divided into before and after. Something happened that hurt us so much in the very heart or somewhere in the solar plexus. A wound has formed that will signal to us - “there is no order here, something is wrong, come back, something important is hidden here.” And then the time comes to decide, to choose: • feed the illusion that you can get rid of the pain, forget, ignore, hide, overcome it • accept the pain, feel it and fall, crumble, realizing that now is the time. Fall and lie as long as necessary, then get up and move on. The pain is still stronger than us, sooner or later it will lead to powerlessness. And each person decides for himself how to deal with his own powerlessness (suicide, crime, addiction, oncology and other diseases, eating disorders, isolation from the world, etc.) Others take their pain to a psychologist’s office to share it, to help them live .Accepting your pain is so important. Stop hitting yourself in an unhealed wound and don’t allow others to hit you. Accept your pain. Say - “I see and hear you, I want to finally open the box and free you, I want to talk about you, or even scream, I’m ready to be with you, remember and cry about you.” Accept and only accept. It's the only thing that works
