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A case from practice. A girl, let’s call her Miss Lee, asked for a consultation: “I can’t find a normal man, I only meet “flawed” ones, despite the fact that I scold myself for this, but I can’t do anything.” As you know, when we try understand the unconscious mechanisms of our psyche and what programs we implement in this way, then in most cases we understand the wrong thing. What are the programs of our psyche? - this is a certain way of action, fixed in the unconscious, that was formed as a result of stress, psychological trauma, or for some purpose. For example: there were two brothers, and both of them saw a dog for the first time in childhood. Moreover, the first of them was lucky, his acquaintance was with a well-fed, contented dog, which allowed him to play with him, but the second was not - it was not him who was barked, from which he concluded that dogs are dangerous. When both grew up, the first one, for some reason, obeyed any dogs (probably felt that he was not afraid of them), and the second one could not pass by even a yard mongrel, it was scary. And then don’t try to explain to one another what and how, the unconscious produced the first record flawlessly... Everyone felt some specific physical manifestations, especially the second, but no matter how much you explain to yourself that there seems to be nothing to be afraid of, the result, as they say, is face. At the first consultation, the “roots” of the problem were revealed, which went far into childhood and concerned the relationship between Miss Li’s parents. Also general traits of behavior, beliefs, and so on according to the Mercedes SK model of Sergei Viktorovich Kovalev. We agreed on further work, which consisted of 4 meetings of 2 - 3 hours each. The first one dealt with the influence of past experiences on Miss Li. That parental conditioning, according to the scenario of which the “selection” of candidates took place. At the second, we sorted out the present, removed the restrictions that did not allow us to “see” normal men. At the third meeting, we worked with the desired result and brought it to life. And at the fourth, we checked and consolidated the result obtained. A month after the work was done, the phone rang. Miss Li called and in a satisfied voice boasted of her success in communicating with men. This article provides an example of a particular case. This does not mean that with such requests this is exactly how you need to work. There are always subtleties, people are all individual. Thank you for your attention.
