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Enuresis in children (involuntary urination) is a fairly common reason for parents to turn to a psychologist. There are many reasons for this condition, and before assuming exclusively psychological problems in a child, an examination by a whole range of specialists is required: pediatrician, urologist, nephrologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist. If they exclude all possible diseases that can cause enuresis, then a child psychologist or psychotherapist comes into play. Often, treatment is carried out comprehensively by several specialists at the same time. If enuresis is diagnosed and treatment is being carried out, then a parallel appeal to a psychologist is advisable in any case, since enuresis itself is a psychotraumatic factor for the child and worsens his psychological state, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. What can parents do themselves to promote a speedy healing a child? How can hobby therapy be used in this case? Let’s give an example of counseling the parents of a boy who has suffered from enuresis since he was 2 years old. The boy’s mother writes (the author’s spelling has been preserved): “My son is 8 years old. Nocturnal enuresis, psychosis when you try to force him to clean up or do his homework, a lot of fears, nightmares and tearfulness if he was offended. At school he is a quiet and exemplary boy with ideal behavior. At home he runs around, jumps, yells and doesn’t listen to me at all. By the way, not only me, but also my grandmothers and dad. There are no grades in the first grade, but my son is doing poorly. He seems to understand, but is lazy. His handwriting is terrible. Copybooks are very difficult to get written. Doesn't like to read. I like mathematics, but if something doesn’t work out, he starts whining, throws his pen, can sit on the floor, yells, whines, can start twitching with his whole body (I don’t know how to describe it correctly), he says, I’ll tear up the textbook, I’ll destroy this notebook, I’ll throw away these copybooks, I’ll break the tablet, etc. It’s all someone’s fault, but not his own. I’m writing all this and I understand that we have huge problems. My son constantly asks to play with him, and I... I refer to being busy or say that no one played or studied with me as a child. I actually don't know how to play or what to play with my son. I can read a book. I tried to build with him using a construction set, but I was frankly bored and didn’t want to do it at all. The son plays with his sister and comes up with something on his own. They go on a hike, they are pirates, etc. The husband and children do not work at all. There were many conflicts on this topic. He says, well, I can’t work out with him, he infuriates me with his attitude and psychosis. They don't get along at all. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. My way of communicating with children (I know that this is very wrong, but I don’t know how to stop reacting this way, a scream breaks out before I have time to think), any bad behavior, disobedience - I yell. Moreover, I rarely bark so much that my son starts crying and shaking. He says you are shouting so much that I am afraid of you. This is sobering, but not for long. Now about enuresis and nightmares specifically. At 1.5 years old, my son was fully potty trained. At 2 we went to the garden. We went very hard. The adaptation period never passed. My son was constantly crying and I took him for only 2 hours on the advice of a kindergarten psychologist. My son was constantly sick. We go for a week and get sick for two. And so on for several months. Like I asked, I liked it in the garden. But how to go into it - hysterics, I don’t want to, mom don’t go. It got to the point that he didn’t wear garden clothes at home, he became hysterical and yelled. I gave away the clothes and decided to try again next year. Closer to the age of three, he began to experience nocturnal enuresis and nightmares, sometimes he came to us at night and said that he was scared. By the age of three it intensified. In general, we didn’t go to the garden at three. I was examined for enuresis all year. Scary dreams became more frequent. Our son moved into our room. My son turned five and in the spring he went to kindergarten to study with a speech therapist. He really liked it there. But daytime enuresis sometimes happened, and there was always nighttime enuresis. Over the past two years, my son has been having nightmaresvery rarely. Enuresis happens very often. Once a week may not happen. Recently we were examined again. We took a course of pills, there were more dry nights, 1-2 per week. Sometimes all nights are wet. But the child became calmer and had fewer psychoses. But now there are no studies or obligations.” In this family, working with a psychologist will be useful for everyone, since both mom and dad themselves worsen the children’s condition with their behavior, which clearly follows from the state of affairs described by mom. But first of all, the boy needs help. And art therapy, along with general treatment, is simply irreplaceable for him in such a situation. The recommendations given have no contraindications and can be used by all families who have children with a similar problem.1. Drawing. Buy large sets of pencils, markers, gel pens - at least 24 colors. A good sharpener and a wash that doesn't smear the paper. Blocks for drawing A3 and A4 formats. Draw without restrictions. Watercolor, gouache, and other liquid paints are contraindicated during therapy. This all spreads uncontrollably and symbolizes enuresis - the spreading of a person in space. The child needs types of creativity that are clearly controlled by him. As an option, if desired, rice paper, ink and a brush: calligraphy classes or sumi-e This is what the work of a child suffering from enuresis looks like. (boy, 8 years old). You can see that all the characters are involuntarily blurring, and this is a real problem. There is an inconspicuous white frame around the picture - this is a manifestation of self-therapy - an attempt to limit spreading, which indicates a positive prognosis for therapy. Here it will be important to give the border a clearer appearance, color, density. In contrast, the picture of a child (girl, 3.5 years old) - who also has enuresis, but this is the age norm. The same materials - gouache, water, brush - but the result is completely different. Even the choice of color palette is the same - but there is a striking difference in the general appearance, the elaboration of details, and the neatness. Considering that an 8-year-old child has much more experience working with paints, it becomes clear that “sputum” at work is not accidental2. Working with paper. Scissors, colored paper - single and double-sided, cardboard, glue (it is better to use pencil glue rather than pouring glue). Thematic applications, collages, paper cutting, origami, quilling. Working with papier-mâché is therapeutic - what is wet and shapeless becomes dry and keeps its shape. Be careful not to break the products after completion. Choose appropriate models - it is better to apply three-dimensional images from papier-mâché onto a solid base than to create hollow, fragile models.3. Design of work. All work must be completed with a frame. You can use purchased frames, but it is therapeutic to create a “frame” for the child himself - in this way, the child will unconsciously strive for completeness, integrity and create a boundary through which nothing can spread. It is advisable to collect works in albums and also arrange them into a single whole. Thematic frames and albums can be created using techniques from the popular scrapbooking trend today. 4. Mandalas or coloring books. Print or buy coloring books with a lot of small details. Mandalas (image in a circle) take priority. Let them color one at a time with pencils.5. Fine motor skills. Beading, macrame, embroidery - everything that involves high control of actions. Option for a boy - wood burning, wood carving, cutting out stencils.6. Modeling. The best material in case of enuresis is baked polymer clay. After baking, the created object will retain its shape and not deteriorate from moisture. Plasticine is possible if, after sculpting, the figure is strengthened with a primer, painted and varnished for preservation. Salt dough is a cheap and acceptable material, provided that the drying rules are followed. Confectionery - it is very good for the child to mix all the ingredients, knead the dough andbaked into the finished product (under your supervision). The product is in one copy (pie, bun, gingerbread), but not many small ones. Work on connecting and giving shape and boundaries.7. Construction. Large loose construction sets should be removed for a while. Buy: prefabricated models of cars, airplanes, tanks made of paper, cardboard, wood, plastic with gluing - those options that from parts become a single indestructible whole. This will be interesting for dad too. Your help will be needed here at first. Just the thing for a family evening together. If you want a prefabricated construction set, then it’s better to have small boxes in which one car or boat is assembled. It is advisable to glue the parts too and use them in games as a solid object. Your task is to create in him a desire for unification, for clear boundaries, without scattering.8. Water.Swim at will, not training. If you want to, then you can get into this sport over time. If you don’t know how to swim, are afraid of water, start with a children’s paddling pool with warm water, with a limited volume. Bath in the evening before bed: chamomile or a soothing tea - buy at the pharmacy. Look at the surface of the water - a small lake where you can see the entire shore in a circle . Play in the bath, in round basins with warm water. Throwing pebbles into the water and watching the circles is a good metaphor for growth, development while maintaining a clear boundary. Foot baths before bed. Fast flowing water and unlimited volumes of water (sea) are undesirable - this causes the urge to urinate and a feeling of lack of control.9. Body. General massage - to relax the whole body and stimulate the innervation zone of the bladder. Special foot massage - reflex zones of the bladder, ureters, brain, kidneys, adrenal glands. Draw a human body together on whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper, tracing the outline of your child. Draw the internal structure and the entire process of urination, draw and talk: what happens, in which zone and how - from a sip of water to the potty. You can look through a medical encyclopedia, but not so productively. Be prepared for questions related to the boy’s reproductive system. Discuss issues of personal hygiene and the “ritual” of washing the genitals. Enuresis may be associated with irritation of the urethra due to failure to comply with evening toilet rules.10. Enuresis. Create conditions where this problem does not cause shame. Buy urological pads for your child’s panties - so that he can throw them out and change them himself if this happens during the day. Disposable sheets for bed linen - so that he has full control over this process and is responsible. Teach him how to wash panties - if they get wet, then in the morning he washes them and hangs them to dry. A sufficient amount of underwear and panties are on a shelf in his room, which he can take and change without your participation. This is his sphere of control. No screaming, cursing about this, sighing or irritation. Over time, the need will disappear - and for the duration of therapy, you need comfort and tranquility. At least initially. There may be urination due to the fear of wetting ourselves because they are scolding us. Fear itself empties the bladder. It's a vicious circle.11. Regime. The daily routine is to go to bed and get up at the same time with an alarm clock. In the evening it is prohibited: tea, lingonberries, watermelons, cucumbers, carbonated drinks and all diuretic and irritating foods. Stop drinking two hours before bedtime. Drink - jelly from non-acidic berries, clean water, rich dried fruit compote. Make sure you drink enough during the day. Limit the consumption of salt, sweets, and spicy foods to a minimum - this causes additional thirst. Create a daily routine, lesson schedule on a piece of paper and hang it in a visible place. Next to the daily routine there should be a large clock with a calendar for self-monitoring. All this can be purchased ready-made, but the best effect will be if you and your child do it together with your own hands.12. Vitamins - complexes A, C, E, B1, B6, B12, folic acid.13. Punishments. Stop any
