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If a woman says that she loves flowers, but we see that she forgets to water them, then we will not believe in her “love” for flowers. Love is an active concern for the life and well-being of the one we love. Erich Fromm In recent years, we have all felt a new trend, approach, teachings, meanings, style in a person’s attitude to life, to ourselves and to each other. If you look carefully, a huge flow of information and interest is caused by a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, body training, yoga, auto-training, etc. Less interested in how to train your brain, memory and thinking. And then, for a long time there is nothing... (material I omit the component and enrichment) and in a weak background, almost inaudible, from the lips of young and not so young people somewhere...: “And how to maintain, “pump up, pump up” the sensual component?” This is not about “installations” in trainings, this is about the words of Erich Fromm, this is about the active sensual manifestation of a person. Even now, despite all the newfangled phenomena, this is precisely what remains the basis of all foundations. It is precisely because of the way a person is able to express his feelings that we experience the best state that exists in this world - Love, Kindness, Tenderness, Trust, Inspiration, Joy, Mutual Understanding, Mutual Respect, Tolerance, Selflessness, etc., as I said Erich Fromm, only Active manifestations and concern are capable of creating that very real Well-being. And, of course, everyone dreams of a prosperous life. And here is the most important point - where are the priorities of a person’s sensory and emotional coordinate system? Atrophy of feelings (withering away, repression, weakening) plunges a person into an illusory perception of life, into a certain inability and weakening of life. This can be explained and justified, but it is better not to allow this. Only through the active manifestation of one’s feelings can a person become Loved and Happy, there is no other way. The manifestation of the active sensory self shapes a person’s life and environment. It is with the bricks of love, joy, care, and selectivity that the castle of happiness and prosperity is built. When you don’t leave a person in trouble, your human significance strengthens and friends appear; It is out of honesty and integrity that you are surrounded by real, loyal people and like-minded people; It is precisely because of the ability to give, share, take initiative, and help that your world is always rich, rich, in demand, successful and very interesting. Active feelings will always attract love, and happiness, and joy, and success, and being in demand, and interesting people, and bold dreams, and challenges within one’s strength, and experience, and - Prosperity of life! A person can almost immediately see the result of working on his body: his muscles have tightened, he has lost weight, and this certainly brings joy. But not fundamental. And, if a person had the ability to see the result, working on his feelings, showing sincere concern for the life and well-being of the one you love and who is dear, then the result would always be acquired long-term happiness when you are loved, despite excess weight, external imperfection , in any periods of life, ups and downs, success and bad luck, in sorrow and joy, in sickness and health. And such a result cannot be compared with anything, this state is difficult to overestimate, and, to experience and live like this is the highest and all-encompassing human happiness! Great things begin with small things! Let's get active! To do this, you can even first keep a diary of 5 active manifestations of feelings and emotions per day: 1. Told my wife a compliment:):):):)2. Gave my friends a surprise that they had long dreamed of3. Helped my parents with housework and spent a soulful evening with them.4. Realized and apologized for being wrong and offending5. He stood up for a woman in the subway. Only the manifestation of feelings through committed actions and spoken words can prevent us from quietly dying, atrophying, sensually degrading, feeling lonely, but on the contrary, experiencing powerful vitality, cheerfulness and a complete feeling of being the Happy Captain of our own!
