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Sometimes in the fight against procrastination, or as many people put it “laziness,” the question arises of what prevents you from following your plans and achieving this or that goal. One of the techniques that you can use is very simple. In my opinion, it resembles the technique of cognitive behavioral therapy, which I wrote about earlier in the article https://www.b17.ru/article/122364/ The technique of “shooting an arrow down.” The difference is in the nature of the questions being clarified. In this technique, we do not identify problematic beliefs and dysfunctional patterns, but, on the contrary, basic values ​​and needs. The meaning of the technique comes down to asking: “Why?” several times in a row. For example. Goal: To become an excellent specialist in the field of psychology! What will this give you? - I will feel more confident if I know that I am a professional in my field. What will self-confidence give you? - Confidence will allow me to be more open, including in my work, people feel this and open up more easily in response. What will greater openness of people give you? - I am interested in people and I get joy when I get to know them more deeply, and this also helps to build work in the field of psychotherapy more effectively. What will you get if your work with people is more effective? - I will experience joy when I see the achievements of my clients, I will feel that I am making a difference. What will it give you to feel that you are bringing benefit to people? - It charges me with energy and gives me additional strength to develop and move on. Of course, you can come to unexpected discoveries. The goal could have more disadvantages than advantages, the need could be more interesting and easier to satisfy in other ways, and so on. In this case, it will be clear what hindered the achievement of the goal. Or maybe, on the contrary, the understanding that we are moving in the right direction will become stronger and our strength will only increase. But, you must agree that no matter what the discovery of yourself and your needs turns out to be, it is interesting! It’s great to choose your goals meaningfully! With this approach, it’s easier not to waste time on something that quickly loses its meaning, because it was based on other people’s values... As one of my smart and analytical clients said: “I understand now that I bought a Mercedes in vain...” I wish you success in achieving your goals! Psychologist, psychotherapist, Svetlana Korotina, Website: https://psiholog.clubEmail. email: [email protected] ;Skype: skorotina1 ;Mob. tel.: +7(916)16-55-604
