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You can hear from parents and adults: ⁃ look at him, he’s somehow different ⁃ it seems to me that there’s something wrong with him - that's not true. ⁃ all children are like children, and he... Holding back and showing great patience, without asking “Is he not like that for you or is he just inconvenient?”.. difficult. In an ideal picture, a child is obedient, diligent, attentive, responsible and one who is quieter than water, lower than the grass or a bright star when needed. This picture is knocked out by the completely opposite situation.. When revealing why a child is “not like that”, I hear different things... from behavioral to intellectual. I am very grateful when it is really thorough: ✅ “difficulties in memorizing material”✅ “difficulties with focusing attention”✅ “constant conflict”✅“frequent complaints of malaise” and so on.. These are just one of the “psychological markers” that include my professional interest. But, it takes me out of my normal state, when I answer the question “which one is not like that”, I get “but you just talk and you’ll understand everything.” You observe the child, then get to know him better, the child opens up... talks about his difficulties... you integrate what you have received. information into a child’s lived experience and you get the following “he’s just like everyone else.” What is all this for? Behind every “something is clearly wrong with him” there can be an unrealistically complex and unbearable life situation for a child from the planet “I I’m afraid of being worse than everyone else, so I behave like an upstart, attracting attention to myself” to the planet “I’m beaten (by children, parents, teachers (yes, this happens even now), I take out my pain and beat everyone around me." The message of my article next: do not put on the child the clichés that I wrote about at the very beginning. Do not try to dream of convenience, forgetting that the child’s world is a subtle mental matter and when he burst into tears again, which the teacher or teacher did not notice. his raised hand in class does not include the “hysterical” stereotype, but tries to understand “what hurts there.” Attached is a self-reflection for parents and teachers: “Is it this or is it my perception?” in case “There is something wrong with the child, I can’t interact with him normally”: ⁃ What positive traits can you note in the child? ⁃ Why do you like these positive traits in a child? ⁃ What negative traits do you note in your child? ⁃ Why don’t you like these negative traits? ⁃ What is the most important change regarding your child that you would like to see? ⁃ What could you change for the better? ⁃ What do you do well along this path? We are all different. Children are little adults. Adults are big kids.
