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From the author: How to suggest something to a person without having hypnosis skills? There is a simple and effective solution - suggestion in a dream! As promised in the previous article, now I will tell you how to easily and simply suggest to a person what he needs, without having hypnotic influence skills. How to suggest something to a person, without having hypnosis skills ? There is a simple and effective solution - suggestion in a dream! As promised in the previous article, now I will tell you how to easily and simply suggest to a person what he needs, without having the skills of hypnotic influence. Narrow-minded people can try to use this as a guide for implementation dirty ideas. I hasten to reassure everyone else that this usually ends in nothing, because this kind of suggestion, even if it works, will not be durable. And sometimes they can cause a response. Knowledgeable people know about this, so they don’t do nonsense, but get permission to make a suggestion in a dream, and agree with the client on both the procedure and the text. This is especially true if you make such a suggestion to your child . You don’t want him to be scared if he suddenly wakes up during your experiments, right? So, I warned you about safety precautions, now the experiment itself! In order to suggest something to a person in a dream, you need to do the following: Determine the tasks that need to be solved using suggestion; Write the text of the suggestion; Check this text for environmental friendliness; Agree on the procedure with the client; Wait for the right moment and make a suggestion; Interview in the morning client; Repeat the suggestion as many times as necessary until the result is achieved. I will explain with an example: For example, your child has a delay in English. Both he and you understand that it is difficult for him to remember and reproduce words in a foreign language. Then: The task is to improve the memorization of words in English; The text of the suggestion could be: “Now you are sleeping deeply, soundly. You are having a pleasant, relaxing dream. And in this dream you hear my voice. I tell you: “You love English! You experience real pleasure and pleasure when you think, speak, write and read in English, when you listen and freely understand someone else's speech. For you, thinking, speaking, writing and reading in English, listening and understanding English speech is as easy and natural as thinking, speaking, writing and reading in Russian, listening and understanding Russian speech!” and so on. Each text of suggestion is selected according to the situation, based on personal characteristics and tasks. You can finish the suggestion like this: “You remember all the settings that I told you in a dream. Your subconscious will do everything possible so that you can learn these settings as efficiently as possible, at a speed convenient for you, using everything hidden reserves of your memory! And now, while you continue to sleep soundly, your subconscious helps you to internalize these attitudes just as firmly, and removes everything that prevents you from learning English easily and freely,” etc. You must understand that this is just a fragment of a real installation that can be done in a dream. By checking for environmental friendliness we mean a simple procedure. Write the text of the suggestion, then put it aside for 15-30 minutes. Then return to the text and read. If the text does not cause you internal discomfort, and the idea of ​​suggestion is clear and simple, then it can be used. In our example, it is worth agreeing on the procedure of suggestion and the text itself with the child. Tell him what, how and when you are going to do. What results can be obtained from such suggestion, how useful and productive it can be. Of course, the child’s consent is required for all these experiments! Sleep suggestion is most effective during REM sleep. It can be identified by rapid eye movements under closed eyelids. This means that the sleeper is dreaming. This phase occurs for everyone at its own time (about 40 minutes after a person falls asleep) and at the beginning of sleep it is short (about five minutes). So you'll have to!
