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Hello, dear parents! Very, very soon your baby will go to kindergarten for the first time. Entering kindergarten is a new stage in your baby’s life. The stage is both interesting and difficult. Interesting - since beautiful bright toys await him in kindergarten, in classes he will learn to sculpt, glue, draw, get acquainted with colors, shapes, letters and numbers, every day your baby will learn something new and interesting about himself and the world around him world, it is here that he will find his first reliable friends. Difficult - because SUDDENLY very, very many things change in the child’s life: suddenly the mother goes somewhere, and the child remains with the aunt-teacher, whom he has not yet had a chance to meet, so he treats her a little cautiously (but this is only the first day -two), the regime, the environment, food changes, there are many children nearby with whom the baby will have to learn to cooperate, share toys, wait his turn and ask, new rules and norms of behavior appear. All this is still NEW and completely UNKNOWN for the baby, and therefore scary... The baby is under stress. He may be whiny, anxious, withdrawn. It's not like home. The child does not yet know how to behave in a given situation, he is afraid of doing something wrong... (Remember how you felt when you first came to work in a new team? It was anxious, scary, incomprehensible, and unknown... Right?) The same thing happens to your baby. And this is absolutely natural and normal. Give him time to get comfortable and get used to it. Help him “love” going to kindergarten! Admission of children to the group usually begins on August 15. You have another 4 months ahead. Please help your child prepare for entering kindergarten during this time. How quickly and how gently and as painlessly as possible the process of adaptation (acclimation, adaptation to new conditions) to kindergarten will take place largely depends on what your child will be able to do independently and what he will know about kindergarten by the time he enters. Period Each child adapts individually. As a rule, it lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, sometimes six months, a year. I want to share with you some recommendations that will tell you how to prepare your baby and how to help him get used to kindergarten easier and faster. During the summer period (before entering kindergarten)… 1–4 are the MOST IMPORTANT!!! 1. Bring your child’s daily routine at home as close as possible to the routine the child will follow in kindergarten (be sure to ask the teacher about the daily routine). It is especially important to teach your child to go to bed at 12-00/12-30. (If a child wakes up late, then it is very difficult for him to fall asleep at 12-30. Please change your routine and wake-up time so that when you come to kindergarten, the child can easily follow the established routine and happily fall asleep at 12-30.) 2. Teach your baby to eat with a spoon and drink from a mug.3. Teach your child to clean up his toys on his own4. Teach your child to dress and undress independently (put on tights and socks, unfasten and fasten sandals (it is better to buy shoes with Velcro), take off a T-shirt, put on a dress). Sometimes it is faster and easier for the mother to dress the baby herself, but for the CHILD it is NOT BETTER!!! And in kindergarten it will be more difficult for him without these skills. 5 – 12 – IMPORTANT TO CREATE A POSITIVE IMAGE OF KINDERGARTEN 5. Tell your child what a kindergarten is, why children go there, why you want your child to go to kindergarten. For example: a kindergarten is such a beautiful home where mothers and fathers bring their children. I want you to meet and make friends with other children and adults. Everything in the garden is suitable for children. There are small tables and chairs, small beds, small washbasins, small cabinets, and many interesting toys. You can see it all, touch it, play with it all. In the garden, children eat, walk, and play. I really want to go towork, I'm interested. And I really want you to go to kindergarten, so that it will be interesting for you too. In the morning I will take you to the garden and pick you up in the evening. You will tell me what was interesting in your garden, and I will tell you what was interesting at work. Many parents would like to send their children to this kindergarten, but not all of them take them. But only adult children and obedient ones. You're lucky, you were accepted. I'll start taking you there in the fall. But we need to prepare for this. Tell your child that you are very proud of him - after all, he is already so big that he can go to kindergarten on his own. When passing by the kindergarten, happily remind your child how lucky he is - he will be able to go here in the fall. Tell your family and friends in the presence of your baby about your luck, say that you are proud of your child, because he was accepted into kindergarten. Tell us about what the kids are doing in kindergarten. Let the baby want to spend time with them. Any child knows for sure that adults can do everything, but children are not allowed much. So surprise him with the fact that adults (not even moms and dads) are not accepted into kindergarten, although they really, really want to. Only children can study here all day long, play, eat, go for walks, etc. In general, kindergarten is a privilege, not a punishment. Many kids are so amazed by the unprecedented advantage (they can do what their parents are not allowed to do!) that they become more patient and calmer. 6. Tell your child in detail about the kindergarten regime: what, how and in what sequence he will do. The more detailed your story is and the more often you repeat it, the calmer and more confident your child will feel when he goes to kindergarten. Ask your child if he remembers what he will do in the garden after a walk, where to put his things, who will help him undress, and what he will do after lunch. With questions of this kind you can check whether the child remembers the sequence of events well. Kids are scared of the unknown. When a child sees that the expected event occurs as promised, he feels more confident. 7. Talk to your child about possible difficulties, tell them who he can turn to for help and how to do it. For example: “If you want to drink, go to the teacher and say: “I’m thirsty,” and Anna ... will pour you water. If you want to go to the toilet, say so.” Explain that there will be many children in the group and sometimes he will have to wait his turn. Explain to your child: “The teacher will not be able to dress all the children at once, you will have to wait a little.” Try to play out all these situations with your child at home. For example, you are a teacher, and the little bear, for whom you will also have to speak, asks for a drink. It’s good if the child wants to be a bear or a teacher in this game. Support games like this. 8. In the presence of a child, avoid making critical remarks about the kindergarten and its employees. Discuss with your child what is positive about kindergarten (new friends, lots of toys, etc.). It is important that the baby is not afraid of kindergarten - then it will be easier for him to get used to it. Never threaten or frighten your child with kindergarten as a punishment for his disobedience. 9. During the adaptation period, emotionally support the baby. Now you spend less time with him. Compensate for this with the quality of communication. Hug your child often. Tell your child: “I know that you miss me, that you are scared. When something new is always scary at first, but then you get used to it and it becomes interesting. You are great, you are brave, I am proud of you. You will succeed!” Support your child during the adaptation period, pay less attention to his whims, give him your warmth and love. Try not to change anything in the child’s life during this period (don’t wean off the pacifier or breast - it’s better to do this in advance, don’t go on long visits, don’t invite people the baby doesn’t know, etc.). Take care of your child's nervous system! 10. During the period when your baby gets used to kindergarten, it is important to take into account that in the group he
