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The well-known saying “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” has both its ardent followers and opponents. And the point here is not in relation to the drink, but in the risk as such. I immediately want to define and indicate what kind of risk we are talking about, I mean exactly the courage in making certain decisions that successful people quite often demonstrate; some call it blind luck or luck, but this is far from the case. A large number of people take risks. they don’t like and don’t want to, explaining this by saying that they don’t see any need for change and don’t intend to change anything radically, or not so much, in their lives. They are used to following certain rules, moving at a certain speed and in a certain direction. Others, on the contrary, have a positive attitude towards changes, because they understand that taking risks brings significant dividends. And both in business and in everyday life. Imagine a situation where ten fishermen came to one pond, cast their fishing rods and wait, on average once an hour each caught three hundred grams of fish. At some point, one of the fishermen gets up and goes to another pond, which is ten kilometers away. Two hours later he returns and tells the others, “I caught three kilograms of fish in an hour, come with me.” Seven out of nine do not believe him, saying that there cannot be so many fish in that pond, and it’s ten kilometers to go to it, but two agree and go to a distant pond. As a result, three fishermen returning with their catch call the others, but to no avail, these seven are already accustomed to fishing in this place and do not want to change anything, plus they are afraid that they may be deceived, they do not have the courage to check for themselves what they are talking about they were told. Later, there comes a time when the first pond stops catching fish at all, and naturally having information that there is fish in the neighboring one, they rush there, but bad luck there is already paid fishing and the first three fishermen own it. The result is sad: while time is wasted on doubts, the result is zero, and later, most likely, it will tend to minus. A similar situation happens in life. Moreover, people who do not have the courage to do something new or make any changes have an extremely negative attitude towards the successes of those who have achieved something by risking changing the usual course of events. They often condemn not so much the result itself as the method of achieving it. People are divided into two categories: some turn the world upside down, while others exclaim, “Where is this world going?!” Changes do not always produce the results expected at the beginning. But it is better, in any case, to do something than to watch what is happening. The taste of an apple cannot be known without trying it..
