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To create life is to create anxiety. There is only one way to avoid anxiety: to kill. Bernard Shaw.. The previous post raised a question that cannot be answered with a short remark. This topic needs a separate place and due attention. These are abortions and their consequences. I offer my deepest apologies in advance to anyone who may be offended by this article, to anyone who would like to forget, to anyone who would like to pretend that nothing special happened when they had an abortion. I know and I can’t stop and shut up. I have to spread this knowledge in the hope that it may be useful to someone during one of the most terrible choices of their lives. Moreover, I in no way condemn people who commit abortions. They simply cannot do otherwise, driven by a greater force than themselves. I experienced the first shock from the topic of abortion when I began to receive information about how terrible, dangerous, and irreparably destructive this phenomenon is. I experienced a second shock when I realized how closed this topic is for discussion and how few people are aware of the terrible consequences of abortion. Today in this article, I will not regret about unborn children, you never know the tragedies that happen in the world every second. If this soul was destined to come and go this way, then it was necessary, from the point of view of some plan for the development of this soul. Fate is fate, and the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. I have no right to talk about the incomprehensible, so today I will talk about fathers and mothers who not only did not know what they were doing, but also could not do otherwise. Abortion is murder. It is not for nothing that the Jewish demon Azazel is simultaneously responsible for teaching people both war and abortion, i.e. murder. It was Azazel who conveyed secret knowledge to people about metallurgy, methods of producing weapons, and also revealed to women the secret of abortion, mirrors and makeup, i.e. laid the foundations for vanity, jealousy and debauchery. The ancients were aware that abortion was murder. But this is not just murder, but intra-family murder. Killing a member of your family is one of the oldest taboos on earth. This taboo later resulted in God’s commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” In addition, this is abandonment of one of the family members, abandonment of one’s child. And this is a violation of the first law of the existence and development of “Right to Belong” systems. This is a double crime, which “loads” the souls of the murderers with a double burden of guilt. The difficult question is why this happens. All the arguments I have heard are just rationalizations of this fateful decision and have nothing to do with the real reasons why this couple is having an abortion. In order for a woman to have an abortion, a murder must have occurred in the family one or two generations ago, which was not “accepted” by the system, and this energy remains in the family until the murder occurs again. What does “not accepted” murder mean? The murder of a member of one's family, a particularly brutal murder, when family members expel the killer under the motto: “He is a degenerate, and we are not like that. He can't be one of us!" “Unaccepted murder” is also a murder that was not punished and remained a mystery. The secret always strives to be revealed and therefore the event reproduces itself again and again. And this topic may not even begin two generations ago, but several centuries ago. But the good news is that this killer energy manifests itself in one way or another in the next two to four generations, so there is no need to go back several centuries to the point from which it all began. There is an opportunity to try to improve the situation in the nearest space. Abortion for medical reasons is a separate issue, as are children lost in other ways. This article deals only with a consciously made decision to get rid of a child when there is no particular need for this. I will try to briefly outline all the consequences of abortion for parents who have made such a decision. The consequences of abortion for brothers and sisters have already been discussed and,.
