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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia” Yes, usually female sexual problems of anorgasmia and frigidity, and indeed, like vaginismus and dyspareunia, are often associated with that a person is not always aware of the deeper reasons for what happens to him. He simply sees the problems that are on the surface - there is no pleasure from sex, I don’t experience orgasm. Thoughts arise that “I’m somehow not like that.” And the woman doesn’t know what to do about it. And here we come to the rescue - sexologists, psychotherapists, and family psychologists. So it was this time when my client came from Moscow on the topic of anorgasmia and frigidity. I note that the girl was unsure of herself, often fell into depression, and the desire for sex was practically absent. She was married. If we turn to the experience of psychotherapists, sexologists and family psychologists, then, of course, we will conclude that the best option here is often marital family therapy, which allows you to solve the problem on both sides. Otherwise, information is often presented one-sidedly, and we hear only one of the sides. But, since the girl’s husband was not ready to come to the appointment right now, I worked only with the client herself from Moscow, which, however, did not stop us from sorting out and eliminating the problems that arose during this psychotherapeutic session. So, the girl wanted to gain an understanding for herself: how to achieve harmony in sex. It should be noted that initially it was not particularly manifested, and over the years it became even less, and this time in terms of universal human relations. The partners did not always understand each other, and conflicts occurred periodically. Therefore, the work proceeded in parallel to regulate general relationships in the couple, as well as in the intimate sphere of the spouses, in terms of eliminating anorgasmia, frigidity and increasing sexual desire. So, sex is about once a month. What is needed to change the situation? - The client said that she is too lazy to have sex, and her husband, in principle, is not particularly bothered by this option, and in the end everything goes downhill. I would theoretically like to do this more often and get an orgasm. What's stopping the girl? - She has little desire. How to strengthen it? “She’s tired of fighting and proving something to her husband. Consequently, we came across a common problematic background in the family. In this case, the work will proceed according to the technique of resolving relations. By changing the partner’s vision and eliminating her own negative state, the situation begins to level out, and what irritated the girl before in her partner begins to go away. And as a result, psychocorrection occurs. Here, as a sexologist and family psychologist, I eliminated the client from Moscow’s fixation on negative states: her inattention to her husband in general, and the fact that she does not notice the good. In return, we filled the girl with joy, a brighter outlook on the world, and an orientation towards a positive future in the relationship. Further, approaching the topic of anorgasmia and frigidity, I, as a psychologist-sexologist, came across situations where a block to sex arises. This is the client’s early childhood; then she and her mother visited a pediatric gynecologist. Here we eliminated the misunderstanding, pain and lack of acceptance of ourselves as women. Unfortunately, for many, this is where the female sexual problem of anorgasmia and frigidity lies. The lady does not accept herself and this is a problem for receiving.
