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I have never understood why school graduates gather in February... The weather is not favorable, logistics suffer due to the same weather conditions, and it is difficult for working people to break out of their schedules. Well, actually, that’s all of the grumbling. The rest of the text is a real ode to this wonderful event. I wondered, why do people, whom life took 5, 10, 20, 30 or more years ago to different places, events, destinies, rush to meet whole classes years later? See who has changed how and be curious about who has become who? See photos of your classmates' children and spouses? Show yourself? I think yes, but partly. It's certainly fascinating. But, in my opinion, this is not the main thing. Childhood is the brightest time of any person’s life. First of all, due to perception (we see everything in an interesting, rich way, we grow and develop), due to hormones (which jump more actively during this period and give greater emotional coloring to all events), due to the work of memory (which lays the foundation for future relationships to the world, as well as thinking and behavior). Childhood is the basis, it is the source of everything. And whether we realize it or do it unconsciously, throughout our lives, we periodically return to our childhood. In memories, in dreams, hearing music or smells of that time, looking at old photographs and... communicating with someone from our childhood (collective memory is triggered here when your vivid emotions are multiplied by someone else from the same events). Returning to childhood is a kind of energy boost. And no matter how strong, successful and independent adults we are, everyone needs it from time to time. It’s generally a great practice to recharge from your positive childhood memories. In addition to everything already listed, remember your old hobbies and interests, ask older relatives about yourself as a child, play games of your youth with your children, watch films and cartoons of that time, and just fool around and have fun from time to time. And the evening of the alumni meeting is a place and time when adults (serious people, responsible workers, mothers and fathers, and maybe even grandparents) can collectively allow themselves to be children a little inside. Because it is in this society that you are remembered and you remember yourself as a child. And therefore, thank you that in February there is such an energy-charging event as the alumni meeting evening!
