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...The sun was setting below the horizon, the sounds of the evening city were heard, the rays of the setting sun slanted into the room...The smell of the passing, slipping summer was heard, and - the early, subtle, smell of early autumn. A yellowing tree outside the window, growing on the roof... Why is there so much greenery everywhere, but it has already turned yellow? What is it thinking? About spring, when the leaves blossomed and the nightingales sang? Or about the ringing summer? Or that the cold weather is coming soon? I don’t know. A tree is as silent and beautiful as our life. And now this early time of autumn is so wonderful! It seems like it’s still summer, but...it’s already autumn. It’s easy to think, write, dream, something is planned, done... It’s time to think and take stock of the passing Time, some lived period of time, one’s own actions, thoughts and plans, someone’s words, just life itself. Our communication with you. The vacuum of my soul filled by you, where there is so much hope for the best, general plans, desire for the sun, for light, for a better way of life. A belated butterfly walked up the tulle curtain... Its wings fluttered, it froze for a moment, exhausted, and then she flapped her wings again and... climbed up again! To the rays of the sun! To the light! She was constantly moving up. I fell and got up again and again. A light wind tugged at the tulle curtain, as if trying to throw it off, but the butterfly tenaciously held on to the threads with its paws, and... walked again, stubbornly moving towards the sun... She wanted to live, and not stay in the room! And she reminded me of myself. Me. My stubborn movement towards life, no matter how painful, no matter how difficult it sometimes is, but now I am saved, transformed, changed, lifted only by you with your strong hands and the great kindness of a sincere soul, and Memory again and again takes me back to last year’s September. How much has changed during this time of our communication with you, and only now I realized how morally weak I was then, not understanding where freedom, harmony, sincerity lies in a person, and how deeply I was mistaken before, trying to preserve something in past years. How painfully I walked on the knife’s edge in the summer, and how different I have become now. Why does a day only have 24 hours? After all, there is so much you want to do, learn, do, but... there is not enough time. You know, someone else in my place, having made mistakes and having lost a lot of strength, would have clung, like the last straw, to the illusion of a marriage that has long been non-existent, but not me. You cannot pay in specie where there is surplus. I remember earlier, when I was left alone, I wanted to howl, all objects seemed in black tones, a piece of bread did not fit into my throat, but everything turned out to be very simple: inner freedom and peace, your tireless help and support give me the strength to move on, with a smile on my lips, and now I figuratively remind myself of a butterfly on the window, which nevertheless took off today and flew towards the sun! What a beautiful city at night... It calls and beckons me with its warmth and lights... I would like to listen to the voice city ​​at night, getting lost in the crowd in Korpusny Park, admiring the glow from the lanterns, neon advertisements, just listening to the voice of nature, people and the falling asleep city. My favorite places are calling me, and I really love my city, my friends, Nature and Life itself... The yellow tree is like an originality of personality and all-consuming freedom... It is not like everyone else. Special. A kindred spirit... A butterfly on the window, taking off and flying towards the sun... The image is close and dear. Continuous movement and - your presence, giving strength to Live to the fullest! Night city, calling with its lights... Freedom and joy of life itself. The uniqueness of every moment that you want to remember forever. Our sincere communication, which gives the strength to live, starting your new day with a smile! Confidence in the future. And - we must move forward, without stopping a single step... A tireless desire for the best and the genuine (EVERYTHING!), complete dedication in everything, and - even greater progress and resurrection of the soul. A soul filled with light, sincerity, tenderness, joy, sunshine!
