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I didn’t even have time to wake up and was already tired. There is no strength to strive for anything. I’m absolutely tired of everything, I don’t want to do anything. Do you recognize yourself in the description? Let’s figure out what’s behind the state of eternal fatigue and how to cope with it. Chronic fatigue syndrome So, what if you “rest!” - has it been your ONLY desire for a long time? And you feel tired from the very morning when you just woke up. Is this normal? When the house is a full cup, and a loving husband is nearby... And in general, everything is fine in the family: everyone is healthy, shod, dressed... Is it possible to get tired of a good life??? One girl came to me for a consultation with a stack of tests. It turns out that she had already been to a psychologist before, but when he listened to her story about her life, he was sincerely surprised: “Are these problems?” He told her that she was just fixated on little things and was inventing problems for herself, that everything was generally normal and so Further. And when she complained that she was tired, he advised her to get tested. Because there must be some physical reason. There are not enough vitamins or microelements, and that’s why her body reacts inappropriately like this. The girl took tests, they turned out to be normal. But she was NOT normal! And she came to me. Not right away, but we figured out where her fatigue came from. She actually was. Chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional burnout, fatigue from life. There are many names - the essence does not change. This phenomenon is becoming especially common these days. In the eternal pursuit of success, we get so carried away with achieving results that we forget to enjoy the process itself. We are always in a hurry somewhere, constantly improving ourselves, and as a result we turn into exhausted zombies. You can get out of this state, but first it is important to understand why it arose. Causes of chronic fatigue There are actually few underlying reasons. And, paradoxically, there is NO hard physical labor among them. And what then causes a constant feeling of fatigue, apathy and exhaustion? Why don’t you want to do anything? All these symptoms occur when: 1. You don't see results from your work. This is why people who do monotonous, monotonous work, mothers on maternity leave and housewives feel the most exhausted. As soon as they cleaned up the apartment, the children scattered everything again. Just yesterday we carried out an inventory of one warehouse - today we go to another and do the same thing. When there is no end in sight, it is truly exhausting. And constant fatigue and drowsiness become your eternal companions.2. You strive for perfection in everything. Perfectionism is an insidious thing. On the one hand, it can play into your hands and make you stand out from the crowd if you are really good at what you do. On the other hand, perfection cannot be achieved. But you can redo the work 5-6 times. And scold yourself for doing poorly, too. Even the greatest have experienced periods of decline. The very position that everything needs to be done to the maximum or not done at all leads to a nervous breakdown. And here the question arises: are you ready to pay such a high price for the pursuit of unattainable perfection?3. You are not confident in yourself and live with an eye on others. When you constantly listen to the opinions of others, when you think about who said what about you, you simply waste a lot of energy! Because you are trying to control EVERYTHING. And this is impossible. You react to facial expressions, words, supposed thoughts and feelings of colleagues, friends, relatives. You rush between the desires of one and the other. Do you even remember about yours? I doubt it...And I don’t think that anyone pays attention to your feelings the same way you do. That’s why they say: “Are you tired? Why are you tired?” How to cope with chronic fatigue? It’s very easy to get exhausted from all of the above. So tired that no amount of rest will help. Then what will save you from emotional burnout? For a day or two, a walk alone or activities that will give you new pleasant sensations will help. If you need more serious results - only. ⠀
