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What topic would you have to tackle when working with clients: marital conflicts, self-determination, guilt, child-parent relationships and others - almost always the work at some point becomes not work on the problem, but personal growth, it’s just that different difficulties can serve as its starting point. I don’t know why this happens, and I’m not trying to shed light on it, it just tells me that we are not isolated beings in our mental life, all the processes occurring in us are somehow intertwined. It happens that this push towards self-knowledge and personal growth has a strong effect, which leads to the fact that the initial problem resolves itself. For some clients, this is a reason to stop consulting. I respect this choice, although I am always somewhat offended that the client and I did not go a little deeper, as if going into the hallway but not opening the doors to the corridor, or stopping at the door of the room. Perhaps there is more of my desire than the actual need to do this. I feel pleasure when a person who comes to me, with my sometimes very insignificant help, suddenly breaks through the veil of specific events in his life that led him, and begins to talk about the feelings that there is bubbling, whining, groaning, which were the true reason for his arrival. At this moment something sacred happens, this does not mean “mystical”, I don’t want to look like a sectarian who believes in the evil eye, by sacredness I mean that the client has found the strength to become honest with himself and me. It is this space of honesty that allows you to not only talk about something, it allows you to experience feelings, and sometimes this experience is already enough. I do not want to mislead the reader, I know from my own experience that one experience is not enough, and the experienced insight does not solve the problem, only outlining the path, showing the door. Concepts such as choice, responsibility, will have a huge, even decisive influence on how a person deals with what he has experienced, whether he will change his life, relationships, what path he will choose. This is almost equally important, the opportunity to experience (feelings), realize ( mind) and approach a responsible choice (will) depending on the stage of work. I don’t know what is primary here, perhaps these words denote different sides of one deep process, which manifests itself on the surface in different ways, in the end, it is hardly possible to find a pure mind without feelings, or the same bare feelings, much less an iron will, having nothing. Whatever situation a person is dealing with, it is always some part of the overall picture of his life, therefore, in my opinion, working with a specific problem, although it can be very effective, is still limited. As a rule, I offer a choice of work with a specific situation or broader work. Although sometimes the client, even choosing a specific situation, comes to more global experiences that are significant for the whole life, and it seems important to me to point out this. The path of life consists of many conscious and even more unconscious choices, childhood impressions, fears, hopes, aspirations, sympathy. Each such path is unique and if insurmountable obstacles, dead ends, forks arise on it, it is important to see this path as broadly as possible, figuratively speaking - to climb the mountain to understand where you came from and where the road you are going to leads to. I believe that this method not only makes it possible to continue the journey, but also gives meaning to the entire journey.
