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From the author: Everything starts somewhere... a river originates from a spring in the mountains, clouds in the sky from water evaporating from the surface of the seas, oceans... fruits the trees will sing thanks to a seed once thrown into the ground, and you, reading this article, were also “started” by those whom we call all our lives - parents... But the philosophy of Life is simple - what is started will definitely end. Quantum uncertainty or the Tale of how to build a City... “Wherever a person’s foot steps...”, one can find traces of his... hands. If you think about the meaning that is not here, everything falls into “its place.” That is, where there are arms there are legs, where there are legs there are arms. So what? Where can such a series of conclusions lead?.. Probably, it’s worth sorting it out in order. Everything starts somewhere... a river originates from a spring in the mountains, clouds in the sky from water evaporating from the surface of the seas, oceans... the fruits on the trees ripen thanks to a seed once thrown into the ground, and you, reading this article, were too “started” by those whom we call all our lives - parents... But the philosophy of Life is simple - what is started will definitely end. Only Absolute quantities exist, not subject to measurement, change, birth and death. There are also consciousnesses that have “reached” such Magnitudes, levels of Consciousness, containing within themselves (in themselves) Everything, fused together with the Supreme Mind, the Universe, the Absolute... Today we will focus on the quantities that are measured and changeable. For example, how you can build something from “nothing”, a city from an idea, a house from a plan, a car from a “concept”... exhibiting it at a fashion show. Everything, the cities and the houses in them, and the cars in them (under them, next to them), are made by the application of human hands, and the spirit is carried along the earth by feet... The last phrase from one eastern wisdom, in which there are words that “measure” the meaning said: “How can we comprehend the essence of things if we do not apply our hands... and our Spirit is carried along the earth by our feet...”, was the Great Teacher’s answer to the question of his disciples: “Can a person “see” with his hand or foot”? Don't add, don't subtract. In one sentence and about everything! Isn’t this how cities and villages are built, wonders of the world are created that have stood for thousands of years, and perhaps will stand for just as long? And who had a hand, not the same as you and me? Again to the point. But “there was a time” when there was no time... and there was no energy... there was no matter... Nothing... NOTHING at all. And it was called NON-LOCALITY, or quantum uncertainty... And who could, at “that time” when there was Nothing, give the concepts and definitions that we are talking about today? Another paradox? But there is still an answer to it - we are in you... Somewhere in the articles I apologized for a large number of quotation marks, apparently now I will have to do the same, but for a lot of ellipses... (I apologize...). Once scientists, bright- bright minds and let's guess whether they will discover a tiny particle - the Higgs boson or not. This same BOSON did not succumb to them, but at that very time he bypassed them. And then the scientists were saddened and they bowed their heads... Not much had passed since then, not a little, but a whole year and they gathered again, and they said a weighty and significant word and confirmed it with their military deeds... and Boson “responded”, so much so that The pundits threw up their hands... This is how the tale begins about “Quantum uncertainty or how to build a city from scratch.” But we agreed to work with quantities that can be measured using human feelings, including (come up with a device that measures, for example, the state of happiness, or the feeling of love... and in what “C” units will you do this?). And where they are lacking, we will use different instruments, ultra-precise and ultra-smart... After all, bosons exist only in calculations, theories and assumptions, no one has seen them, but... they “guess” about their existence. Or maybe the level of consciousness (meaning a value different from IQ) of our “husbands” from science does not allow us to create conditions in which this very particle possessing consciousness (how could it be otherwise, if thanks to it the whole]
