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Many hundreds of thousands of people turn into “regular clients of clinics” only because they are focused on treatment instead of recovery. When a person’s entire nervous system is tuned to treatment, he will definitely be treated, but this does not imply recovery. For many years, the world has been fighting against terrorism. And it will go on endlessly until the fighters understand that to achieve results they must fight FOR (peace, tranquility, security). Otherwise it becomes an endless game of “don’t think about the white monkey.” The fact is that our brain is a strange device: it is constantly busy with productivity. Whether it will be negative or positive is entirely a choice of your free will. If you don't have positive goals, your brain has no choice but to pursue negative outcomes. And vice versa: with due faith, this wonderful mechanism of embodiment is capable of realizing positive expectations in the most amazing circumstances. For example, the famous placebo effect, when positive expectations alone can heal a person who takes just a dummy instead of real medicine. Indeed, there is a great deal of truth in the expression “to each according to his faith.” As studies by psychologists show, such expectations affect even scientific conclusions that were considered objective. For example, a study by R. Rosenthal, who tested the intellectual development of first-graders from 18 schools. But their teachers were told about 20% of potential geniuses, who were chosen at random, without taking into account the test results. Eight months later, the children were tested again: those in the pseudo-gifted group showed much higher results than the truly gifted children in the control group. This study, like many others, confirmed the power of expectations. Teachers expected these children to be more gifted than others, so they treated them differently. They were surrounded with greater care and attention during the learning process. Often we simply forget how much we ourselves determine the events that happen in our lives. We forget that we are far from being a victim, but the main director of everything, although we are not always a good and effective director. Expectations are simply a chosen life scenario. Because faith is not a question of “really or not”, it is a question of “should I follow this path or another?” The believer will meet confirmation of the reality of the chosen course on any of the paths. While other directions will remain only mythical outlines on his map. Or unrealized directions of your own life.
