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This series of stories was formed from real life situations that my clients experienced, of course in my presentation, but with their kind permission to present these stories to the world. The names in the story are all fictitious. Breathe with you. Chapter 1. She. She woke up in the morning. Husband, two children. Everything as usual. The older one goes to school, the younger one goes to kindergarten. Go to work myself. The work is not very good, just so as not to go crazy doing household chores: washing, washing, cooking. Who is she? She is an ordinary woman, about thirty years old, if you observe from the outside, you can say that she is quite happy. There is wealth, children, work, a husband who seems to love. Everything you need for happiness. And she? Is she happy? She loves life in all its manifestations. Knows how to enjoy every little thing. It’s spring outside, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming and there is such an intoxicating aroma all around that you feel dizzy and want to fall in love. Because the soul is tormented by emptiness and misunderstanding. But there is a husband, children and a seemingly happy life. Someone might say, she’s crazy about fat, she would have problems like others, she wouldn’t have time for dreams. Yes, it’s possible, but everyone has enough problems, and everything wasn’t so smooth for her, but that’s okay, that’s how life is. For many years she tried to overcome her anger at her husband’s infidelity, even left him, but her children and wealth forced her to come back. No, it cannot be said that she did not love her husband. I loved, but once upon a time, a long time ago, and then a series of scandals of resentment and in my soul there was only a scorched field instead of love. Her husband also told her that he loved her, but how did he love her? She cheats, asks for forgiveness, is afraid of losing her, and then reproaches her that she doesn’t look like that, doesn’t think like that, doesn’t feel like she should, convincing her that she has complexes and a lot of problems. There was a time when she almost believed in his words, but something prevented her from completely destroying herself, perhaps faith in love, in happiness, or perhaps something else. Yes indeed, from the outside she was happy. And inside there is emptiness, resentment and pain for betrayal and insults, for misunderstanding. Everything is sad and what next? Or maybe not sad, but just ordinary. You tell me, life is like everyone else’s, but have people really forgotten how to be happy, how to rejoice? Maybe, of course, they haven’t forgotten and really want to, but to be happy means to be different from the crowd of unfortunates. And she really wanted it, maybe that’s why it all happened... It’s probably difficult to be happy in this world. The most important thing to remember and know is that happiness is made up of small pieces, small joys: seeing a beautiful flower, the smell of spring or mown grass, a child’s smile or your own smile. Perhaps happiness is the feeling of life. It is also important to remember that no one can make you happy. You yourself are responsible for your own happiness. Take courage, take a deep breath and live a happy life.
