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With this note I will open a series of articles about the practical application of the techniques described in the book “Cognitive Therapy Techniques” by Robert Leahy. This book is an excellent guide for a cognitive behavioral psychologist, however, just by reading the techniques, it is not easy to understand the intricacies of its application, so I decided to look at examples of how they can be used. According to the cognitive model, depression, anxiety, anger and other problems are maintained and activated and are aggravated by mental distortions. The therapeutic process aims to identify the person's beliefs and thinking patterns that underlie his problems. In the process of therapy, awareness of the thoughts that form and fuel the client’s negative perception of reality is stimulated, the basis is laid for doubts about the infallibility of this way of thinking and the creation of alternative, realistic forms of thinking. And today we will look at the technique from Chapter 3 of the book: Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of thought (costs and benefits)Purpose: Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a thought allows clients to explore the possible consequences of beliefs and choose whether to maintain them or not. The client can consciously make a choice and either focus on motivation to change, or understand what the cost will be in the long run. Technique: 1. We call it a belief for work2. Explaining what we will do Please write down this thought and then divide the page in half with a vertical line. Write “Advantages” on the top left and “Disadvantages” on the right.3. Identifying the Benefits of a Negative Thought What are the benefits of believing this belief? What benefits would be found in your negative thought? What does this thought protect against?4. Identifying the Disadvantages of Negative ThoughtWhat are the disadvantages of your belief?What are the disadvantages of this way of thinking in perspective?5. Weighing Advantages and Disadvantages If you had to state the ratio as a percentage of 100%, how many advantages and disadvantages would there be in this belief? 50/50? Or would there be a different ratio? 60/40? 40/60? Highlight the most important advantages and disadvantages of the thought. Why do they play a special role? Is there any way to challenge your belief that they have that meaning? If a negative thought has more benefits, the client must accept the consequences of the negative thought. Good. You are free to choose your own beliefs. If you want to adhere to this thought and believe it, I assume you are ready to accept all its consequences, right? Are you ready to pay for it with anxiety, overwork, self-criticism? That is, the side effects of this assumption do not suit you. But if you are sure that such a thought is nevertheless necessary for you, these consequences will have to be accepted. This is the price of this thought.6. Looking for an Alternative Thought What alternative thought could help you in this situation? What more adaptive belief could be used as an alternative? How would you like to feel in this situation? What might you think in this case?7. Analysis of an alternative thought Now let's analyze another thought - more realistic, less critical. What are its advantages and disadvantages?How do they relate to each other?What are the advantages and disadvantages of this way of thinking in perspective?If one were to state the ratio as a percentage of 100%, how many advantages and disadvantages would there be in this belief?8. Drawing conclusions How does this relationship differ from the results of the first thought? What thoughts does this lead you to? Below I will give some examples of what arguments can be made when analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of different thoughts: Negative thought I should only say what is 100% trueAdvantages Disadvantages I will not feel shame in front of the audience I will not criticize myself I will not worry about the wrong message information I will be good and useful for others I will scold myself if I say something wrong This interferes with
