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From the author: Published on the personal website of psychologist Matveev 03/09/12 How to quit smoking?! There is no point in writing a long article about this problem and intimidating or going around and around, because the topic is “worn out”. There are a lot of methods, very different in impact, duration, cost, mechanisms of action, etc., etc. I’ll tell you how easy it is to quit smoking using self-hypnosis. Some of my clients have successfully used self-hypnosis systems to quit smoking. Here is a recent review of how a client, using the “Dialogue” system for self-hypnosis, quit smoking in five days (I left the style, spelling and punctuation of the letter unchanged.): "..., as I promised about smoking. I have been a smoker for over 30 years years, how long I don’t even remember. I quit three times, once for 1.5 years, about 15 years ago, the other times were insignificant. In general, having assessed all my feelings when trying to quit smoking, I made suggestions for indifference to tobacco smoke. to any tobacco products: cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs. Suggestion of indifference to smokers around me. Also suggestion of the smell from smoking and burning cigarettes and other tobacco products. I went through the routine to strengthen willpower, health and other things. Self-session 40 minutes, followed by intensive work for five days in wakefulness and night sleep, with the most positive result for myself, my beloved. The session took place in 30 minutes, or a little less. During these 5 days I smoked as usual, well, maybe less than usual, I didn’t pay attention to it paid. On the sixth day I didn’t smoke, in the morning, the unconscious habit of drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette in my teeth disappeared, the desire to drink black coffee in general disappeared, and I don’t want Nescafe at all either, it’s not that the taste is disgusting, no, it’s just not tasty. The first three throughout the day, a feeling of slight hunger constantly haunted me. I often chewed either candy or fruit; I felt unwell, perhaps not, but rather tired and feeling of lack of sleep, although I slept normally at night and in the evening after work I took an hour and a half to sleep. The main thing was that there was no irritation with everything and everyone like in the past attempts, and my nose did not catch the smell of tobacco smoke as before, there is no disgust even now, just indifference to the smoke, to the smokers around, to the smell from them. On the 5th day, the feeling of hunger disappeared (this feeling could easily be removed in self-hypnosis - approx. mine).and everything went back to normal, now I can freely breathe deeply and not cough. In general, this time without violence and the feeling of something lost, there is no deprivation. There is simply no desire to smoke, not even a lack of something in my hands when talking with friends, at home. In this situation, I am simply a NON-SMOKER and I have been and will remain so..." Based on this report, I asked the client several additional questions to make it clearer. Here are the answers to them: Question. I didn’t understand this - what does it mean " followed by intensive work for five days"? That is, you did one session, but so that the internal subconscious preparatory work was carried out after this session for another five days? That is, you got by with one session? Answer. Exactly, one session and five days of internal preparatory work. Question: Why did you give yourself five days, and not a month or, for example, the morning after the session? Answer: Because I asked for advice, answer 5 appeared on its own (a normal property of the system when answers come mentally. as if by themselves - my comment) Question: How did you realize on the sixth day that you were already a NON-SMOKER? Answer: My wife just reminded me that I didn’t drink coffee today, and asked about my well-being, and then it was up to me. it came - I forgot my coffee and cigarette. I didn’t do anything, no thoughts arose, I tried to think about smoking - the internal dialogue ended mid-word, half-phrase. By lunchtime of the first day I just realized that I was done with smoking, it felt like I had never smoked, it was like something that I already tried and didn’t like. As you can see, there is no torment, negative emotions, aversion to tobacco, to the smell, to smokers (which is especially important for this client - everyone in his family smokes!). And in just one session of self-hypnosis! Just...
