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“You won’t get up from the table until you’ve eaten everything!”, “If you don’t want to put on a hat, you won’t go for a walk!”... Many adults at least from time to time resort to this form of blackmail in communication with your children. At the same time, we rarely think about why, in general, obedient children suddenly decide to “show their character.” I suggest you go back to your own childhood for a while and remember that dish that was your least favorite. Almost everyone usually has this, no matter what generation the person belongs to. For example, I have had occasion to communicate with older people who, as children, were glad to have an extra piece of bread. But even among them there is one who, even in times of famine, could not bring himself to eat, for example, something made from tripe, preferring banal boiled potatoes to this dish. With the generation born in relatively prosperous times, things are more interesting: approximately every third of my acquaintances admitted that in childhood they hated boiled onions. And, as a result, eating soup every time turned into torture. For the rest, the list of hated dishes is varied, but foamed milk is mentioned quite often. What is typical is that both a quarter and half a century ago, adults preferred to “educate” children, literally breaking resistance through blackmail or bribery. For example, one respectable lady still remembers with a shudder how she, who did not like cookies, was left alone at the table in kindergarten while the rest of the children were sent either to sleep or to play. They left it until she gnawed her portion. The baby withstood both persuasion and loneliness, the cookies remained lying on the plate... Things are about the same with clothes: almost every one of us can remember a hated item of clothing that he was forced to wear. A hat with an elastic band, “scratchy” underwear, a heavy sheepskin coat with stiff sleeves - the list goes on. And, of course, almost every time getting ready for a walk turned into a small war. During which one side tried in vain to make itself heard, the second stopped what it considered empty whims. But if you look at it, what’s good about the same boiled onions? Most of the substances beneficial to the body were destroyed due to the high temperature, the taste itself passed into the broth, leaving only a soft, slippery mass spreading on the tongue. Frankly speaking, it’s not the most pleasant feeling. For an adult, this is a trifle: to be honest, we don’t always feel the taste of food, since our heads are busy with some thoughts at that time. The child, with his ardor as a researcher, pays more attention to the process. Well, he gets into trouble in full. The same thing with clothes: growing up, people, especially women, get used to inconvenience. Besides, somewhere, something is definitely pressing, rubbing or pressing. Although this state can hardly be called natural. And if something feels wrong, the body’s normal reaction follows: get rid of the discomfort. So the child, as best he can, describes the discomfort that he experiences. An adult, having checked, for example, an unloved jacket with a rough hand, is somehow convinced of its softness for the delicate skin of a child. And if she injects herself, she will get used to it. Will wait until evening. It’s not our fault that the baby doesn’t like the purchase, right? It’s not for nothing that habit and patience are considered positive qualities. After all, a patient person, even if only a little, sacrifices himself and his interests for the sake of others. But no one canceled the sense of proportion. Anyone who is accustomed to patiently accepting everything that others offer him deprives himself of small joys. It is sometimes difficult for such a person to figure out whether he likes a new thing, an original treat, or whether he is comfortable in a relaxing chair. And this is clearly not a natural state, although such a character is certainly convenient for those around him. However, human nature rebels against the destruction of one’s own “I” - at least in a small way. So it turns out that children sometimes turn out to be wiser than adults: they refuse to wear things that are uncomfortable for them and.
