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Why does the weight return? The problem of excess weight is a topic around which there are endless conversations. People in desperation ask for help, realizing that they have no strength left to fight on their own. Left alone with his body, a person feels that he cannot cope - his body is stronger, more powerful! He will ask himself why he needs this weight? And he won't find an answer. The answer to this question is never going to be simple or obvious. Those of us who end up dealing with this are faced with a new problem: how to maintain the results? This is the fear that seems to live under the skin; obsessive thoughts do not allow you to relax and enjoy life. Every bite of food or even the thought of it is like a danger that can lead to weight gain. This text explains why our body strives for past forms. Let's start simple to understand why weight gain occurs in the first place. There is a main group of factors that influence our body weight: Environmental factors Social factors Behavior (habituation education) Biological factors Central nervous system Hormonal effects Genetic factors and their disorders Interaction of genetic factors with the environment Here we see that by changing one factor or several we cannot change them that's it, they still have power over us. We live in the world, among people, in a family among relatives and friends, day after day facing new difficulties and trials. Some things have a greater impact on us, some less. As you know, there are two types of obesity: endogenous and exogenous. The first type, congenital, develops from within the person, usually caused by a genetic predisposition. The second type, acquired, is caused by external factors, most often they are overeating, lack of physical activity, emotional turmoil, and lifestyle changes. Losing weight in both cases can be equally difficult, and it is almost inevitable that the excess weight will return again, as soon as you loosen your grip. The reason for this is a change in our fat cells, which is what this article will discuss. Here it is worth understanding that all the research that exists at the moment does not give us a clear explanation of why this or that self-regulation of the body occurs. Any fluctuation in weight leads to significant changes in the body's homeostatic system. Our body constantly strives to maintain the stability of all the processes that occur in it, including body weight control. Then the adipocyte, the cell from which adipose tissue mainly consists, comes into play. A person is born with a certain amount of adipose tissue, the main growth of which occurs during the period of embryonic development. The second growth spurt in adipocytes occurs during puberty; generally, their growth finally stabilizes by the age of 20. Each adipocyte cell stores a certain amount of fat, which determines whether a person is fat or thin. When this amount is within normal limits, a person has no problems with excess weight, but when it begins to grow, the cells increase until they reach their critical mass, at which point its growth stops. Then progenitor cells come into play, their reproduction does not occur for no apparent reason, the stimulus for this is the hypertrophic growth of adipose tissue. When the number of adipotocytes has increased, it can no longer decrease back, even with weight loss, the fat itself goes away, but the cell remains. The number of fat cells in the human body can change only in one direction - to grow upward. The size of individual fat cells can vary at different times in life, expanding or contracting with weight gain or loss. This is where the most interesting thing happens, despite the fact that a person may lose most of his weight, the number of fat cells will remain the same - this fact contributes to the body's desire to regain lost weight, after.
