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More than 90 years have passed since the opening of the first passenger flight in our country. Aviation entered our lives and ceased to be something special and incomprehensible. But it still remains the most difficult way of transportation for humans. High altitude, confined space, inability to control the situation, noisy discussions in the media about plane crashes, and personal characteristics can cause aerophobia. Aerophobia - the fear of flying appeared even earlier than the airplane. Man rose into the sky, overcoming his natural fear of an unnatural, for him, method of transportation. Today, according to the results of various studies, up to twenty percent of the population experiences fear of flying, despite the fact that aviation is one of the safest modes of transport. Aerophobia is not a disease, but it is difficult to cope with it on your own, without the help of specialists. It’s even more difficult if the “specialists” are alcohol and medications. Methods to get rid of aerophobia are individual for each person. First of all, clarification of the nature and characteristics of the manifestation of aerophobia, personal history of the occurrence of fear, clarification of the causes of stress reactions. Drawing up an individual program to eliminate the causes of aerophobia. Also, it is important to have an understanding of the features of modern aviation technology, all stages of flight and air traffic management, and the main criterion for each pilot - “flight safety”. If you have a flight ahead, prepare for it in advance: Spend more time on what delivers pleasure and joy. Shopping, a bathhouse, active recreation, everything that brings positive emotions. Avoid watching news about any negative incidents, it is better to watch your favorite movie or turn on a music player instead of the TV. Our brain perceives everything that we “try not to think” as very bad. And if you “try not to think” about the plane, then the plane is very bad. When remembering the upcoming flight, do not try to fight fear, thank it (after all, it is trying to protect you from, albeit fictitious, danger) and think about the good things that will follow behind the flight - a long-awaited vacation, a successful business trip, new impressions and prospects. There is no need to fixate on the continuous calculation of the time before the flight, but you also should not follow the very common recommendation to “try not to think” about the flight. When buying a ticket, take seats closer to the beginning of the plane, where there is less turbulence and lower noise levels. If the flight is not too busy, I recommend the penultimate row, on the right. These seats are the last to be registered, and it is possible to sit alone in three chairs. You should not be late for registration and boarding; additional worries are fertile ground for fears. Take sedatives only if your doctor has prescribed them for you. Avoid alcohol. In addition to problems with staff, alcohol can increase anxiety, especially when its effects wear off. Drink more water, preferably still, less coffee. During the flight, dehydration occurs, which is stressful for the body. Water will help, and in case of turbulence - put a glass of water on the table, observing its level, you will be surprised how much your perception differs from reality. If fear appeared during the flight, share it with your neighbor, the flight attendant. You will certainly find support and be able to distract yourself from anxious thoughts. Free yourself from the constricting collar, loosen your belt, take off your shoes, adjust your chair and direct the cool air of the air conditioner towards you. If you feel that panic is about to set in, breathe into the bag. Moderate hypoxia is not dangerous, but it will force your brain to distract itself from imaginary fears.
