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In practical psychology there is a very interesting phenomenon. When you observe someone from the outside, you see some symptoms (first of all, we are talking about certain physical sensations, for example, you witness pain, discomfort or other unpleasant sensations), and then find them in yourself (after some time time) exactly the same symptoms. This phenomenon does not have a clear name, but it is convenient to call it mirror symptoms. Option 1 - hypochondria The easiest way in this case is to assume the presence of hypochondria, a disorder in which you are actively looking for confirmation of the fact that you have some (or some) dangerous somatic diseases. You look for their possible meaning in external sources. More often this is the Internet, reference books or specialized specialists. But simply other people with already diagnosed diagnoses can also participate in such a search. The difference is that with classic hypochondria, you first find sensations in yourself, and only then switch to searching for confirmation. Option 2 - hysterical neurosis Therefore, the second option with which similar symptoms may be associated is hysterical neurosis, when you unconsciously create certain symptoms, as if copying them from the outside world. In this situation, you believe in the sensation, it really bothers you, causes inconvenience and ... actually does not exist. The key point is that in this option the sensations intensify in the presence of other people, especially those from whom you “adopted” your mirror symptom. Option 3 - a mix of hypochondria and hysteria The most difficult option is a certain mix, when, against the background of habitual hypochondria and anxiety, due to certain life circumstances (usually significant, difficult and associated with changes in the composition of your social environment) to the usual unpleasant (and wound up) sensations in the body are also added to mirror symptoms. That is, this is an option when hypochondria is combined with a hysterical form of neurosis. Mirror symptoms themselves are not something significant (or even more dangerous), they are just a specific (bright and unusual) diagnostic marker that allows you to understand what is happening to you. Have you seen something similar in your life and the lives of people around you? I would be glad if you click the “thank you” button under the article, it will encourage me to write the next one... Have a nice day! You can subscribe to my articles and blog posts here Do you want to get rid of your neurosis? Take an online psychocorrection course individually or in a group!
