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I think about the complexity and inconsistency of this world every time I consider this or that paradigm of values, trying to weigh, compare, compare something. Today at the lecture we touched on the topic of moral development of the individual. And then the topic of rigorism naturally emerged. Remember in German classical philosophy, in the depths of objective idealism, the name of Immanuel Kant rises, the same philosopher who questioned the “classical” evidence of the existence of God? Immanuel Kant focused on the fact that it is in no way possible to prove the existence of God, that all theoretical constructions in favor of a deity do not have any scientific or theoretical basis. But at the same time, he believed that the idea of ​​God could be useful in a moral sense, that “in moral terms, the existence of God should be recognized.” Kant considered God to be a useful idea, the essence of religion itself was defined as “awareness of our duties as divine commandments” (Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason. St. Petersburg, 1908, p. 130). I. Kant introduced the term rigorism in connection with the justification of the moral components of human reason. Rigorism is from the Latin rigor - severity, strength - stern, unyielding, strict adherence to the rules of morality, certain principles, regulations, way of thinking, actions, regulations. In psychopathology, rigorism is considered as unshakable, stoic and inadequate to real circumstances adherence to certain principles and rules , mainly in matters of morality. In children and adolescents it manifests itself as unnatural correctness, obedience, exemplary behavior, in adults - extreme straightforwardness, regardless of anything “honesty”, “frankness” up to regressive syntony. Seen as a sign of autism. (Great Psychological Encyclopedia). Indeed, we can find examples of rigorism even more often than we think. In particular, in the religious aspect, in intercultural communications, in building relationships with representatives of other ethnic cultures, based on the spiritual values ​​of the clan, people and religion. Rigorism is distinguished by its rigidity and intransigence towards other opinions. So, for example, a religious rigorist will immediately break off a relationship with a girl if she does not correspond to the world of his high moral values. In particular, in matters of sexual relations. A girl who acts as the initiator of intimacy with her lover can be either immediately or after sex severely rejected by a man. At the same time, hypertrophied vulnerability with an emphasized grimace of suffering and resentment in a rigorist can often be accompanied by periodic awakening of “shadow” personal resources (going to nightclubs, seeking the services of “priestesses of love,” for example). At the same time, in a rigorist there is most often an intrapersonal conflict with a clear by opposing oneself, demonstrating “correctness” to this “bad,” “dirty,” “depraved” world. Thus, “without room for error” is something that will always be a major obstacle in the interpersonal relationships of a rigorist, something that will be strongly condemned and the possibility of helping another person get rid of this or that vice will not even be considered. This is also the self-aggrandizement of the rigorist in his own eyes, often accompanied by a blockade of feelings, emotions and live human communication. This state of affairs needs to be reconsidered as soon as possible, to realize that in the diversity of the world there are much higher and more important values ​​that form the basis for the development of personality, as well as feelings. The rigorist blocks them in himself and, accordingly, choking on his own overestimation of the people around him, does not want to see sincerity, kindness, mercy, love, respect, understanding. Dear readers and colleagues! You can sign up with me for online consultations, courses, arrangements and supervision by calling 89272823878. Check out my services at this link! With
