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From the author: Vyukov A.S., Davydov A.T. “Features of choosing methods and targets of psychotherapy in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome” It is known that after the acute manifestations of withdrawal syndrome are relieved in the treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS), methods of psychotherapeutic influence in the clinic become of particular importance. Today, most researchers quite rightly consider psychotherapy to be one of the main methods of complex treatment of SAD. Therefore, in the conditions of a drug treatment hospital, where primary detoxification and pharmacotherapeutic measures are carried out, the issue of optimizing the methods and targets of psychotherapy is acute. Based on the accumulated experience, it is necessary to highlight several main goals of psychotherapy facing a psychotherapist and a medical psychologist as part of the psychotherapeutic process in a drug treatment hospital: maintaining psychotherapeutic contact with the patient; correction of psychopathological disorders; formation of motivation for treatment and overcoming anosognosia. Thus, maintaining psychotherapeutic contact with the patient and isolating him from alcohol is a priority. The main solution to this problem is the provision of primary and medical care to patients with withdrawal symptoms in a hospital setting. Therefore, already at the stage of relieving withdrawal symptoms, in order to normalize the patient’s psychosomatic status, it is important to carry out psychotherapeutic work with him. To correct psychopathological disorders in post-withdrawal syndrome, discrete methods of influencing the patient are more often used, and short-term (or even one-time) psychotherapeutic manipulations, which have a right to exist, but are not sufficient to achieve the final goals of treatment, remain widespread. At this stage, the main task is to create such conditions for changes in the patient’s personal sphere that would allow him to live “without symptoms” (in this case, without drinking alcohol). Therefore, in a drug treatment hospital, given the very limited period of primary detoxification measures, short-term methods of individual and group psychotherapy still remain a priority. We most often use short-term person-oriented individual and group psychotherapy (developed on the basis of the Federal State Institution NIPNI named after V.M. Bekhterev), cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, and gestalt therapy. The integrative model allows us to understand SZA as an etiologically complex, multifactorial disease, and provides insight into the dynamic and individual-specific targets of psychotherapy. The priority goal of psychotherapy for SZA is the formation of motivation for treatment, overcoming anosognosia and the development of adaptive coping strategies and resistance to the influence of an alcoholic environment. In this regard, the following tasks should be set and performed in psychotherapy: providing and receiving information; analysis of motives of behavior and emotions (keeping a diary); development of skills of independence and responsibility; developing skills to deal with stress without using medications and alcohol (drugs); development of ways of refusal, the ability to say “no”; addressing the sphere of emotional relationships (facilitating the release of emotions); working with destructive stereotypes; taking responsibility for your choices. Taking this into account, it seems possible for patients to readapt and form a stable remission.
