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From the author: We meet, fall in love, marry the person we love, and we have to build family relationships with his entire family. The greatest difficulty is usually communication with the female half of the husband's relatives. For some reason, his mother, sister, grandmother often believe that their son, brother or grandson deserves a better wife; she should be more beautiful, smarter and, of course, more economical. The main role, and sometimes the only one, in this situation is played by the mother-in-law, of course. She can be harsh and domineering, soft and pliable, with a wealth of life experience. No matter what she is, you will still be tormented from time to time by the same question: “Why doesn’t she love me so much?” We meet, fall in love, marry the person we love, and we have to build family relationships with his entire family. The greatest difficulty is usually communication with the female half of the husband's relatives. For some reason, his mother, sister, grandmother often believe that their son, brother or grandson deserves a better wife; she should be more beautiful, smarter and, of course, more economical. The main role, and sometimes the only one, in this situation is played by the mother-in-law, of course. She can be harsh and domineering, soft and pliable, with a wealth of life experience. No matter what she is, you will still be tormented from time to time by the same question: “Why doesn’t she love me so much?” Why does she love you? She gave birth to a son, raised him, educated him, fed and watered him, and did not sleep at night. And you showed up, although no one called you (the son doesn’t count what he understands about women!), seduced her and took away her little blood. And your personal qualities don't matter. Your mother-in-law is annoyed by your very presence in her son's life. Everything you do will be until she comes to terms with his marriage. For some mothers-in-law, this happens a few weeks or months after the wedding, some try on the birth of a child, and there are also those who carry their hatred of their daughter-in-law all their lives and do everything to divorce their son from his wife. If you don’t want your husband to constantly be between two fires, between your beloved mother and you, so that your children grow up in an atmosphere of hostility and hypocrisy, try to understand your mother-in-law (maybe someday you will become one too) and improve your relationship . Try to be courteous, but don't try to be her friend or your daughter. Why does she need a daughter if you took her son away? It is not necessary to love your mother-in-law; respect, attention and tolerance are quite enough. You should not listen and take to heart all the comments she makes to you. Some of her suggestions may be constructive, some absurd. Ignore all reproaches and unflattering characteristics concerning you. Don't object and don't get angry - if the arrow doesn't hit the target, the archer will sooner or later lose interest in shooting. Thank you for any advice, whether it is useful to you or not, and promise to try. Sometimes ask for advice yourself on this or that matter. For example, if she makes strawberry jam that her son loves, ask for the recipe. Try to see in her not only your mother-in-law, but also just an elderly woman, which you too will one day become. Perhaps all these techniques and methods will not make her love you like her own daughter, but they will certainly bear fruit in months, years, decades. Let her be healthy and live for many many years, then she will be able to finally appreciate all your merits and admit that there is no better match for her son in the world..
