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I’ll start with the concept used. By changes I understand the transformation of the client’s personality, changes in his life principles, attitudes that gradually become part of him and change his personality. I will answer right away, but as always carefully, changes do not appear to occur as a result of therapy. In practice, counseling, therapy, and trainings do not provide a fundamental change in the personality of another person. At a certain point in time I got the impression that this was impossible to do. At least with the tools that we as therapists, psychologists, and trainers have at our disposal. Of course, I think there are other means for changing personality, for example chemicals, or extreme situations (war, disasters, etc.). As the study of data on the therapy of people who experienced these situations showed, their personality sometimes changed beyond recognition. So, as the basis for the data on the basis of which I made a cautious conclusion, I took the experience of personal therapy, the therapy of my clients, the clients of my colleagues, the lectures of my mentors in the field of Gestalt approach. Experience shows that no matter what the therapist does, no matter what interventions he makes with the client, his basic psyche remains practically unchanged. It feels like the psyche is very zealously protecting itself, in all possible ways, with all possible defenses. She tries to remain the way she was formed. Well, thank God. At least, I can rest assured that, most likely, one of the ill-wishers will not be able to change me and other people in their unkind direction. Well, we are psychologists, therapists, we are well-wishers, however, we also do not bring any changes to the personality. I most likely won’t be able to do anything catastrophic for the client. And this already somehow calms me down, I can work calmly. As a client, as a therapist, at a certain point in time this thought made me despondent. And I asked myself this question in my heart - why then all this? But then my experience (or my defensive psyche, because it’s hard to live knowing that you are doing useless things) suggested that there is benefit from so many hours of therapy, so much money spent on therapy and training! As one of the comedians said, she cannot help but eat. Yes, it is difficult (or impossible) to change your essence, but you can learn to live effectively, happily, and diversely with such an essence. In the end, you can get to know this entity. It's worth a lot. Otherwise you live with illusions about yourself, such a handsome prince. And then how do you find out what kind of fruit it is! Well, it’s nice that you find out. Now you can move on with this knowledge in life, and suddenly you will be able to live your life, and not be in an eternal sleep. And this, in my opinion, is wonderful. Although my pessimistic part says that you lived in one illusion, changed it and live in another illusion. But still, another illusion seems to me to be much more comfortable for life at this moment in time. It is quite possible that after some time this illusion will also need to be changed, but this will happen later, as needed. I am writing this article as a couple (I also work as a teacher at a university). My students do the calculations and I press the keys. And one of the students says in her hearts that their intelligence was tested before this couple. And she has a lot of indignation about this, about the wrong questions in the test, because it’s impossible to know everything. And her lower jaw is shaking from righteous anger. A classmate immediately held her back, saying that he didn’t need the test, he practically slept through it and gave the answers completely by accident. It turned out that several other people did the same. And I once again thought that our psychological defenses (I think this is an example of mental defense, which will not be easy to endure if intelligence suddenly turns out to be low) is a very necessary thing. And an adult has already established, difficult to break through defenses that will not allow the psyche to collapse. And it's good that it is so. They will live. So, as one of my close friends said: well, for knowing yourself! WITH.
