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Women who have not reached a good level of personal maturity (have not developed sufficient emotional and psychological, adult stability and autonomy), by definition, they cannot act as good enough partners for a full-fledged relationship. Because a good, functional (working on general, age-appropriate tasks) relationship represents a balanced union of two adults, to the extent independent partners, each of whom is capable of leading a well-organized and a completely satisfying life for him. If a woman cannot arrange for herself a good enough space for life, she is doomed to obtain for herself the “fullness of being” from the outside. This is why psychologically immature women often cling to the idea of ​​a “relationship” as a life jacket. And the relationships of such girls usually turn out completely “catastrophic.” But to tell the truth, relationships - in the full sense of the word - do not work out at all. But various scenarios of “pseudo-relationships” are used, the general goal of which is one: to help a woman cope with anxiety about the fact that she cannot cope with herself There are a great many scenarios of “as if relationships” - you won’t get bored. You can go through it even until retirement, blindly believing that right there, around the corner, the long-awaited, hard-won happiness will finally come. The favorite game of all young girls is “Love at a Distance.” “He is so beautiful, but there is no way to be with him” (evil fate-homewrecker). There is a variation - “He, of course, is still a goat and doesn’t want to be with me, and neglects me, and takes advantage of me, but ... “the fate of evil - I fell in love with the goat.” At this point, according to the script, you are supposed to suffer earnestly, beat your head on wall of male indifference, build 25-story illusions on the theme that “someday he will suddenly see the light and understand, and in general, deep down in his soul, he is good.” In short, choosing a man who is obviously unavailable and passionately experiencing a love drama, a woman will to do EVERYTHING so as not to face herself and the fact that she needs to grow up and take care of her own life in a targeted step-by-step manner. There is also another, no less intense scenario - to choose a troubled man as a partner in misfortune, who also point-blank does not want Such a man can independently solve his own problems by drinking or using psychoactive substances, having a sexual or gaming addiction, a mental disorder, not being able to provide for himself, and generally sitting with a woman as an emotionally dependent and helpless “child” who needs constant psychological support to maintain his life. Here our poor girl - again and again - has every chance of getting a “married life” super-saturated with emotions and impressions. You can first heroically “save” your beloved from the fiery hell of vice to the point of insanity, then curse him for the fact that life has failed, then cry into your pillow from powerless despair and melancholy, while your partner has already prepared the ground for a new female love feat ... and further in a circle. Everyone understands that in this situation things will never come to the resolution of issues of ordinary human well-being (which is what the girl subconsciously needed). And you can also try to marry a disgustingly unloved, but stronger, wealthy, organized and in control man, who how a real mother will feed her with a spoon, but for this she will demand complete submission, and just like that, she will begin to take out her aggression and discontent on the girl. And here - as usual - either shake and obey, or rebel, trying to defend at least some part of “independence”. And every such story - again and again - is not about happiness and self-sufficiency. And about the senseless and merciless race through the gullies. And there is a much brighter and smarter solution: instead of all this, just start taking care of yourself on your own. Then such a string
