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Bradcrambing is a psychological manipulative technique in which a person leaves intentional hints, information or messages to confuse, cloud the mind or control another person. This method of manipulation can be particularly destructive, leaving the victim feeling confused, uncertain, and unable to make a clear decision. Let's look at some real examples of bullcrambing to better understand this manipulative technique.1⃣ Example 1: Denis and Katya have been dating for several months. However, Denis begins to use bullcrambing, hinting that he has secrets that he cannot tell. He says something cryptic and then refuses to explain what exactly he meant. This creates in Katya a feeling of insecurity and a desire to solve this riddle, which makes her vulnerable and subject to Denis’ control.2⃣ Example 2: Alexey works with Maria in the same office. Maria engages in bullcrambing, sending emails with ambiguous content and hints regarding his work and past events. She intentionally provides incomplete information and answers questions with crypticity or a refusal to provide complete answers. This behavior from Maria makes Alexey feel nervous and constantly doubtful about his work and abilities.3⃣ Example 3: Julia and Vladimir have been married for several years. Vladimir regularly uses bullshit, refusing to give clear answers to Yulia’s questions or remaining silent after hints about possible problems in their relationship. It creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and uncertainty, which makes Julia feel confused and anxious. This approach allows Vladimir to control and manipulate the situation in his relationship with Yulia. How to cope with delirium craving? It is important to recognize that you are being manipulated and take steps to protect your emotional and psychological well-being. Such steps may include: Setting clear boundaries: Determine what types of innuendo or puns are unacceptable to you. Be clear about your expectations and demands for clear and open communication. Communication and Expression of Feelings: Talk to the person who is engaging in delusional behavior and express your feelings and concerns. Explain how the behavior affects you and ask for a more direct and open approach to communication. Seek support: When you notice this manipulative behavior, seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals such as a psychologist or therapist. They can help you understand the situation and offer strategies for overcoming delusional behavior. It is important to remember that you have the right to clear, open and respectful communication. Don't let intentional hints confuse you or control your life. Develop emotional intelligence and confidence to resist manipulative practices and build healthy relationships based on honesty and mutual respect. Sincerely, Your psychologist, expert on interpersonal relationships Olga Drovorub Get a consultation Subscribe to my articles, it will be interesting!
