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This story happened many years ago, and the main character, let’s call her Masha, really wanted as many women as possible to know about her, so as not to fall into a similar trap of irresponsibility for their lives. But the essence is this: once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. An ordinary girl - calm, sweet, hard-working, not picky, rather even very obedient, since her mother kept her extremely strict - you won’t spoil her! The time has come - Masha got married. She said she fell in love. The groom was quite good-looking, and gave the impression of a reliable man, he wanted children, took care of them as best he could, however, he immediately set the condition: “I will get married only when you become pregnant.” He came to live in Masha’s house, since in his parents’ family the relationship between this Vasya (let it be Vasya) and his stepfather was very difficult. So Vasya and Masha began living a married life together, even getting married when the time came. There was no wedding, why waste money, that’s what they told Masha. And the girl is already glad that she got married. She herself had a difficult relationship with her own mother, who always knew what was best for Masha, controlled her in everything, criticized her, of course, with the best intentions. For example: “Look at you! Who are you?! Your husband is handsome, and your girlfriend is beautiful. Be patient, try." Masha tried her best. But after the birth of the child, it became very difficult: I couldn’t keep up with everything, although I continued to try, and I didn’t really take care of myself. One desire has become the main one, but not always achievable - to get enough sleep. I must say that Masha’s husband really loved to steam in the bathhouse - with beer, fish, and with friends. Masha did not object, and no one would pay attention to objections. One day she and her husband and relatives went to their mother-in-law’s dacha: they ate and drank, and, as usual, got ready for the bathhouse. The peasants went to the first couple all together, the women were busy with housework, waiting for their turn. And when the people left the bathhouse, Masha did not find her husband among those gathered. She went to the bathhouse, and there a strange picture presented itself to her eyes: her hubby and his mother, her mother-in-law is listed, were calmly steaming together. Masha flew out of the bathhouse like a bullet, crying from resentment and powerlessness. After a while, the hubby came out, saying: “What a fool you did, it’s my mother!” It is worth noting that at this very time, the husband’s stepfather was fast asleep in a plate of salad, being in an altered state of consciousness, so he could not pair up with his wife in the bathhouse. There was no one to complain to. The next day, Masha nevertheless went to her husband’s parental family to talk with her stepfather-in-law about family values ​​and the permissibility of steaming naked with relatives. The father-in-law was very surprised and listened carefully. After this conversation, Masha somehow calmed down, mainly because she was able to express her pain and resentment. Peace in the family “restored” for a while. Masha did not go to a psychologist then, she went much later, several years later, with a different request, but the same essence. In this story, the boundaries of all participants are violated. A mother who overprotects her “child,” as she called him, is a woman herself who is not happy, not mature, who periodically took the position of a “victim” with a husband who drank, willingly or unwillingly making a “psychological husband” out of her son, perhaps without understanding what harm she does to her family, to her son, and not just to her daughter-in-law, whose palm she was challenging. Her son is either an infantile or an aggressor towards his wife and stepfather, even his mother. Masha is a woman in the position of “victim”, with all its deprivations and benefits. Everyone tried on some facet of the Karpman Triangle. While this situation suits everyone, it is not possible to change the family system. In words, of course, everyone can say that they are “not happy” with this state of affairs, blame the other, wish that this “other” will change. But in life it doesn't work like that. Each participant in the conflict must become aware of the extent of their responsibility in.
