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From the author: The tragedy of modern society is, among other things, low-quality education, which destroys the personalities of children, the lives of parents, plans for the future... There is no limit to the despair of parents. .. What to do? Join my Parent Support Club! Write responses, ask questions! Modern statistics are terrifying... children are killing each other and themselves... A terrible time... Where? Why? And from there, the despair of not being accepted for who you are is off the charts... Yes, the world is becoming tougher and crueler, yes, the media, yes, morals, but children live most of their lives at school, just like adults at work... It’s their children’s job to study at school... I myself am a graduate of a pedagogical university. Good, I am grateful to my teachers. Precisely university ones, because they gave me the opportunity to be myself, to develop... Studying was easy and exciting. The teachers were older comrades who saw you as a person. And they went to the potato harvest together, and the skit-makers spent time in the absence of a budget, and ran in pairs, because they trembled with respect for them... And I remember school... I can’t say that I loved going to it, but there were such a huge number of those whose names were with she said with a breath, and looking at them formed my desire to be a teacher, a psychologist, to know English... And I remember their names, and their lessons, and their views, their passion... One of my most favorite teachers was Valeria Alexandrovna, an English teacher. It was happiness to know a person who glowed with warmth... Kind eyes, red hair, such touching freckles and a quiet, quiet voice... We sat like mice because we were afraid to miss a word... Once in high school we had the audacity to skip “English at Valeria’s”... Do you think she made a scandal with us? Did you write a report? No! She just said at the next lesson that she was very sad and that she didn’t expect from us, such wonderful and talented students, that we could skip class…. We almost fell through the ground out of shame!!!! We were angry with ourselves for this stupidity! We took a walk to go to the cinema... But we offended a person... No shouting, no showdowns... But I personally still remember how we worried. And never again, NEVER did even the thought of taking a walk arise... I didn’t know physics at all, I didn’t understand... I’m a humanist through and through. But! When Lyudmila Yakovlevna, with chalk on her cheeks, organized mobile installations out of us ourselves according to the principle “you will be an atom, and you will be a proton, and you will be a neutron,” it was impossible NOT to teach physics!!!!!! Because she tried for us. And when my mathematics teacher Ekaterina Naumovna failed me for the entire quarter with two grades until I got angry and learned the defense of all theorems so that I could answer them in front of the class at her level, and in response to my such rage I received a warm look in response a strict teacher and the words “Good girl! I believe in you, I know that you can do even more!” - what could I do except feel gratitude))))? And their pedagogical universities did not stand with slogans about the pedagogy of humanism! But they taught her exactly using her methods! Not everything, but... And the question arises, what happened? It seems that most of the current teachers deliberately skipped pedagogy and psychology! Why become a teacher if your job annoys you and you don't like children? If you are interested in the subject, and not people, you can completely engage in fundamental science and study the life of the ciliate slipper with love; and these children are noisy, unmotivated, lazy - ALIVE will not interfere. How is it that very few people with pedagogical education perceive a student’s lack of knowledge as a challenge! What a place to work! With interest! I recently met a wonderful teacher... a mathematics teacher. An experienced teacher of the old school. Wisdom. Love. Passion in the desire to teach to learn! Believing in the best in the “weakest” among his students. Her words stuck in my mind: “Olesya, you know, in my work I always choose the weakest
