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From the author: The female archetype of money and the metamorphosis of wealth. Published in Name magazine. “The mind creates this world, and then claims that it has nothing to do with it.” David Bohm A dream gives birth to a world. The ability to dream, not work, made us human. Dreams have golden wings. The world belongs to those who can fly them. What is the nature of the forces that drive dreams? What do you have to pay for their implementation? How do implicit agreements about the value of things govern life? And how high are their prices? Era of Infinity “The choices are endless. But it’s not free” K. NordstromThe world was created by a dream. Each of our things was once a project. Any social institution and custom were born in dreams of a better world. About a place where we will be happy. We've been in a fairy tale for a long time now. In reality created by thought. Life has moved far from its pristine simplicity. There is no turning back. The universe surrounding our ancestors was of natural origin. Relationships were determined by instincts and a sense of kinship. Now everything is different. We live in a situation of limitless choice. Everything is open. There are no insurmountable social and geographical barriers. The shackles of conventions and dogmas do not hang on your feet. Thought is free and information is available. But this is a very strange world. A world in which you have to pay for everything. Where there is not enough money not only for the poor, but also for the rich. Despite the fact that today's middle class is richer than the ancient kings. And the income of the owner of the corporation exceeds all the treasures of the Roman Empire. This is a world where masters work more than subordinates. A top manager's working day can exceed eighteen hours. His distant predecessor enjoyed idleness surrounded by servants. Imposingly contemplating the efforts of hard workers from under the canopy. Today, the worker sits on the sofa after an eight-hour workday and watches the hustle and bustle of the rich and famous on television. At the same time, in order to remain rich, you must feel poor. That is, constantly wanting more. Philosophers sang the praises of modesty. But to be poor, you don’t need to have special moral qualities. It is enough to do nothing. Or being born at the wrong time and in the wrong place. In the wrong family, country or era. However, in each of them there were people who raised themselves from the very bottom. And in every prosperous country there were losers. So the reason is not external. And if a person has no control over the forces of history and his place of birth, then his own mind is in his hands. Today, the ability to handle it determines not only the depth of understanding, but also the quality of what is available. The right to choose makes sense only if it is possible to pay for the choice. It is provided by the method of applying forces. The loser will choose a business in accordance with fashion. The winner follows the call of the soul. Rather than chasing others in areas where you are weak, it is better to find your strengths. And achieve perfection in the profession that you began to engage in, even if you had to pay extra for it. Intelligence does not create the world directly. That's what he has hands for. This is money and power. The accuracy and strength of movements determine the scale of the result. The idea of ​​a connection between intelligence and wealth turned out to be wrong. Einstein and Norbert Wiener were not billionaires. But we live in a world of their creations. The great poets and writers, philosophers and founders of the world's religions were hardly fools. Although they did not accumulate wealth. The mind is not a mechanism, but a generator whose energy can be transferred to various devices. Power and application are not the same thing. Time selects the best options among them. Adventures of symbols “Performers are tied to constancy, leaders are mobile” M. CastellsHistory is a place of change. Values ​​and the means to achieve them change. Tribes of hunters are replaced by cattle breeders and farmers. They, in turn, are being replaced by industrial civilization. Today it is collapsing under the pressure of the new information society. Can our minds keep up with changes? A successful person is one who has time. Time is merciless to the slow. In the archaic, everything is decided by strength and the ability to use it. Hunting and war create wealth. Only victories are valuable. But the story about them may turn out to be a lie. We need evidence. Fang of a defeated lion. Skintiger Enemy scalp. This is the first money in the world. They are not exchanged or transferred, but by their presence they confirm the owner’s right to honor, women and the best part of the spoils. Hunting is replaced by cattle breeding. The cow becomes a source of benefits and a means of payment. The price of things is calculated in heads of livestock. A set of weapons costs ten heads. Young bride - a hundred. The word capital comes from the Latin "capitis" - the head of a cow. As distances increase, cattle are replaced by a symbol as money. It turns out to be a cowrie shell. Its name means "cow". She is identified with the female womb, which gives birth to life. This is the first global currency. In an agrarian civilization, life is ruled by the earth. She is the source of all good. Now wars are fought not for cattle and women, but for territory. It is collected and bequeathed by inheritance, but it is inconvenient as a payment instrument. New values ​​emerge. They become the most beautiful things. The owner can admire them forever. Or exchange it for everything you need. Such are gold, amber and sparkling stones. But the first gold coins were imitations of the same cowrie shells. In industrial civilization, success is ensured by production capacity and sources of raw materials. They become the main commodity and object of struggle. The place of rent-generating land is taken by financial capital. He is like a fruitful tree, yielding annual fruits in the form of interest without labor. Collisions arise between the interests of the industrial and financial elites, ending in their merger. Everyone has to pay for this. With the growth of commodity turnover, the need for new financial instruments arises. They become securities. First, these are promissory notes. They are like the ancient “tiger skin”, confirming the status and rights of the bearer. Their exchange gradually develops. Debt obligations of private individuals become shares, state ones are declared full-fledged money. From this moment on, their value is increasingly determined by the psychological component. The degree of trust in the issuer. Brand promotion. The peak of virtualization comes with the advent of information technology. Databases and information flows take the place of real objects. Production is moving to third world countries. The golden billion is moving into cyberspace. New predators await him there. In ancient times, crop failure brought death. During the industrial era, the imbalance between the money supply and the volume of goods gave rise to crises. The new era, having abolished old problems, created new ones. The ups and downs of the economy have the character of mental epidemics. The hobby turns into general euphoria, inflating the bubble of imaginary growth. Randomness causes panic, ending in collapse. Money, as if alive, shows character and rebels against its owners. Spirit of the sun “Everything that we do not know about ourselves appears to us as fate” K. G. JungUnderstanding the soul is impossible without understanding money, and there is no understanding of money without knowing the soul. In the past, it was believed that money was a thing-in-itself. A substance independent of our ideas. For Adam Smith, finance was something like the earth's atmosphere, and the desire to get rich seemed as natural as breathing. Man was considered a logical being and capable of acting in accordance with his own interests. The twentieth century refuted illusions. Marxism turned capital into an evil spirit. Like a demon, he tempts people, urging them to sell their souls. The ancient plot is repeated, and the newly-minted Mephistopheles turns out to be a deceiver. Newly acquired wealth does not bring joy. Moreover, in pursuit of him, a person loses all the best, turning into a wild beast. Psychological analysis is replaced by moral condemnation, and the recipe for happiness becomes the extermination of the prosperous part of society. Experimental testing has proven the theories wrong. Mathematical modeling methods also turned out to be ineffective. The Nobel Prizes received by the developers did not prevent a single crisis. The accuracy of economic forecasting is less than that of weather forecasting. Some models use approaches more typical of traditional»
