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Inhibition and excitation Case of excitation. Boy A. 3.5 years old. Runs into the office. Mom still sits by the door. The child rushes from wall to wall, demanding to go out, come in, open, close, turn on the light, turn off the light. He becomes hysterical, sobs, moans, howls, vocalizes, falls into a trance, disconnects from everything and laughs to himself. Jumps on mom, tries to climb to the chest (mental age). Scatters toys, destroys everything in the office. Then he sobs and collects the toys back. Constantly fingering the genitals. From my mother’s story, it’s very difficult for her. She cannot go out with him, he must go only one way, only through the store and buy only the delicacy he needs. If the ritual is violated, there will be a strong hysteria that can last a long time (an attempt at external mental control, due to the impossibility of internal control). I check the mental rigidity described by the mother; after the child turned off the light, I turned it on, he runs up to turn it off and begins to resist (access to mental aggression). After I attracted his attention and took on the aggressive attitude, I begin to smile and play “day-night”. The child continues to resist for about a minute, and then picks up the game and is already waiting for a reaction from me, i.e. emotional game that I continue to play with him. The resistance from the switch drops. The child calms down for a short time (inhibition). A case of inhibition. Boy B. 5 years old. He goes into the office with his mother. Calmly sits down on the carpet and sits. Doesn't react to loud sounds or actions, looks only at mom, doesn't see anyone else. Approaches toys and touches them with his mouth, throws them away (mental age). Interested in a house made from large puzzles (carpet). He climbs inside, closes it and sits. Vocalizes internally (organic disorders). If he gets carried away by the game, he begins to twist his arms (involuntary actions) and avoid the activity in every possible way. In general, according to my mother’s reviews, he is not conflicting, obedient, one might even say submissive. After some time, it breaks the house from the inside. He comes out and goes to the window, stands quietly and looks out onto the street. I'm building a house again. He climbs into it again and, still lying down, as if stretching, breaks it from the inside. He comes out and goes to the window. I'm building a house again. This is repeated about five or six times, after which he begins to get angry (excitement) and breaks the house from the outside, as if attacking it. After this game, he looks into my eyes and builds with me, for now, speechless, but nonverbal communication. Now I am the object that helps relieve tension. Both of these cases refer to a system with organic damage. Let me remind you that I will move away from the well-known terminology and translate it into the understanding that there is a primary process of damage, and it is the criterion for what method of correction and what work will be done next. And so these are two cases within organic disorders as the next criterion in the necessary diagnostic system. Usually the first child is prescribed drugs that correct his behavior, or rather suppress this activity and transfer the child to the inhibition system. The so-called unwanted behavior is removed. Both children are of Orality age (the next part will be about this). As we know that the age is oral, or rather very young, the first child after exertion turns his activity to the mother’s breast as a way to relieve tension. The second child explores toys through his mouth, which corresponds to the leading activity of early childhood. At oral age, the only one who can relieve tension is the mother's breast, saturation and calm. Two children have organic processes. How do we know this? In the first case, the child, under extreme excitement, literally seems to disconnect from reality. This is a rather complicated process, I will not write it down. This is a protective system where the psychic, as it were, leaves the office, and the child.
