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When children are born, there are no boys and girls, it’s just a child. He cried - they picked him up, fed him, changed him, etc. They cry and laugh and there is no difference. What happens then? As soon as a child-boy begins to show himself somehow, he immediately hears: “You’re a man, don’t cry!” “Why are you whining like a girl!” “Come on, cry some more!” “Are you a weakling? Don’t cry” “Boys MUST be strong” “Boys MUST protect girls” “boys don’t cry” These phrases are deeply rooted in the psyche of men and have turned into attitudes and beliefs for them that if you show your emotions or talk about them, you are weak. And then, when boys become adult uncles, they understand (or maybe not) how much they keep inside themselves and how little opportunity they have to express it. But it is a priori difficult for a man to label his feelings, unlike women. We have emotional intelligence much higher. We can say: “I’m sad, I feel bad,” most men won’t say that. They say - “fine, ok.” They will save up, then they will explode and that’s it. Many men, because of their imposed duty, are such achievers, they need to plow, plow. Even in therapy, they are usually more result-oriented than women. A man's strength is in the ability to be strong, but at the same time have the ability to show weakness. It is very important for a man to know that he is loved even in those moments when he is weak! Just like a woman is loved even if she is strong, such a shark, an achiever. A man who lacks self-confidence will not choose a weaker man for himself a strong woman as a partner. He is afraid of such people. He needs people to not argue with him, to listen to him. He wants to command a woman. This is a manifestation of strength for him. A man becomes stronger when he begins to realize that I can be strong, but I can also be weak, I can be sad, I can sometimes cry. If he is afraid of these feelings, then he is vulnerable. When a woman cries - for a man this is an extreme situation. A man is afraid, he doesn’t know what to do, he’s afraid to face his feelings. He will immediately begin to calm you down: “calm down, don’t cry, hush, hush”, he will do everything to make it stop. He won’t ask: “How can I help you? Why are you crying?” He doesn’t not want to, he just doesn’t understand what he should do now. Life hack: When a woman cries, you just need to hug her😅. The conclusion is this: a man not only owes everyone something, he must also hear himself and understand.
