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From the author: Pogodin, I.A., Olifirovich, N.I. Gestalt therapy: myths and reality / I.A. Pogodin, N.I. Olifirovich // Bulletin of Gestalt Therapy: collection. Art. Vol. 4. – Minsk, 2007. – Pp. 7-14.Gestalt therapy: myths and reality Mythology, like the severed head of Orpheus, continues to sing even after death, and its singing is heard from afar.K. Kerenyi Gestalt therapy has existed for 55 years and during this time it has developed as a holistic direction of psychotherapy with its own theory and corresponding practice. At the same time, by now, Gestalt therapy has acquired an aura of myths, legends, rumors and gossip. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Gestalt approach through the disclosure of the opposition “myths and reality”. The text of the article is structured as a sequence of theses involving a discussion of individual myths. Myth 1. The Gestalt approach is atheoretical. This myth appeared back in the Californian period of the work of Fritz Perls, who at that time was keen on experiments in acting out and took an atheoretical position. There is still an opinion in the public consciousness that Gestalt therapy acts as a set of techniques that have no basis in the form of a holistic theory. Currently, the Gestalt approach has accumulated enormous factual material and has significant theoretical and methodological potential. revisions of psychoanalytic theory and having absorbed the ideas of existentialism and phenomenology, popular in the first half of the last century, the Gestalt approach has now acquired the features of an independent and complete theoretical school. Today, within the framework of the Gestalt direction, many approaches coexist, developing theoretical ideas about self, field theory, trying to integrate the theory of object relations and the Gestalt approach, as well as focusing on particular aspects of Gestalt therapy: clinical, crisis, organizational, family, group, etc. .d. [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. The creative efforts of the staff of the Belarusian Gestalt Institute are concentrated on the resources of assimilation of postmodern ideas into the Gestalt approach, the development of clinical aspects of Gestalt therapy, as well as the methodological substantiation of two “branches” of the modern Gestalt approach: systemic-analytical Gestalt therapy (N.I. Olifirovich, G.I. Maleichuk) and the dialogue model of Gestalt therapy (I.A. Pogodin). Myth 2. Gestalt therapy is a set of techniques. Despite the fact that in the public consciousness the hallmark of Gestalt therapy are the techniques of “empty” and “hot” chairs, monodrama, acting out polarities, etc., the focus of Gestalt therapists’ attention is not on the technical techniques themselves, but on the features of organizing the client’s contact with environment. Moreover, the main tool of the Gestalt therapist is himself. Therefore, the techniques that he uses are only an extension of his self. The most important component of the practice of a Gestalt therapist is the experiment, which is not a specific set of techniques, but a living process derived from the context of the therapeutic relationship [1]. Moreover, the experiment is unique for each therapeutic session. Thus, during his professional life, a Gestalt therapist creates tens of thousands of experiments. Myth 3. The Gestalt approach is focused only on working with feelings. The myth is based on ideas about a “wild” gestalt, a typical feature of which is a regression to the reduction of interventions, at its extreme tending to reduce the entire range of technical techniques to the question “What do you feel now?” and the advice “Be with it.” Without diminishing the importance of the emotional sphere in a person’s life, we note that one of the basic principles of the Gestalt approach is holism. This means that feelings, thoughts, fantasies, intentions, bodily sensations, etc., have equal value for us as Gestalt therapists. In Gestalt experiments, an opportunity is created for the integration of self functions and the manifestation of feelings, desires, needs, thoughts , ideas, fantasies,elections, actions, etc. Myth 4. Gestalt therapy applies exclusively to the “here-and-now” field. This myth stems from a misunderstanding of the classical principle proposed by F. Perls. “Here and now” does not mean that the Gestalt therapist works only with those experiences that relate to the actual contact in the therapeutic process. Such an understanding significantly impoverishes the therapy process. If this principle is followed literally, difficulties arise when dealing with important memories related to the past, as well as dreams and fantasies about the future. In reality, the here and now principle means the primacy of phenomena that arise in the present context. These may be memories of past events experienced today. At the same time, the emphasis in Gestalt therapy is on the actual process of experiencing past experience. The same applies to fantasies about the future, represented “here and now” by some thoughts, feelings, sensations, etc. Myth 5. Gestalt therapy is a sect. To analyze this myth, we will use some individual characteristics of the cult, which allow us to distinguish between prosocial associations and destructive sects [2]. “The group is focused on a living leader, to whom the group members clearly demonstrate an overly fanatical, blind commitment” [2; 148]. Let's start with the fact that the founder of Gestalt therapy, F. Perls, died 36 years ago and at the moment there is not a single cult figure in the Gestalt approach that would unite all representatives of this approach. In addition, “fanatical, blind adherence” to anyone or anything is antagonistic to the Gestalt worldview. “Questions, doubts and dissent are discouraged or even punished”; "leadership dictates - sometimes in great detail - how group members should think, act and feel (for example: group members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders can prescribe what type of clothing to wear, where to live, how to raise children etc.” [2; 148]. The value of Gestalt therapy, on the contrary, is to increase sensitivity to oneself and one’s boundaries. The focus is on the individual’s own needs, as well as his interests, values ​​and beliefs. on the individuality and uniqueness of each person. “Techniques of switching off (numbing, freezing) consciousness are used (such as meditation, monotonous chanting, speaking in tongues, accusatory (debunking, denunciation) sessions, daily routine of exhausting work) to suppress doubts about the group and its leader (s)" [2; 148-149]. The Gestalt approach uses methods aimed at expanding the scope of awareness, “unfreezing,” restoring sensitivity and supporting the individual’s own activity and interests. Gestalt therapists support the client's ability to care for themselves, their needs and wants. “The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality that brings conflict with the wider society”; “the blind submission of members to a group forces them to reduce ties with families, friends, and abandon personal and group goals and activities that interested them before joining the group” [2; 149]. The value of Gestalt therapy is the creative adaptation of the individual to the environment in which he lives. Moreover, Gestalt therapy focuses on improving the quality of clients' contact with their families, friends, and work colleagues, i.e., in a broad sense, improving their quality of life outside of therapy. Myth 6. The Gestalt therapy process takes an unreasonably long time. Changes can be made in a shorter period of time. Indeed, Gestalt therapy is a rather lengthy process. This is a project for human development, as opposed to projects for correction or getting rid of problems. The duration of Gestalt therapy is determined by the following factors: 1. A symptom in the Gestalt approach is considered not so much as a phenomenon inconvenient for the existence of an individual, but as a result of the manifestation of a specific wayorganizing the individual’s contact with the environment. Therefore, the relief or disappearance of a symptom is secondary to a change in the way contact is organized, including a transformation of behavior, the way of dealing with experiences and the process of awareness.2. The symptom that bothers the client is the result of a violation of his ability to make creative adaptations, which the client “learns” throughout his life. It would be naive to think that what you have studied all your life can be corrected in a few days or even months3. The symptom presented in therapy is a systemic phenomenon, derived from existing relationships in the field. In this regard, the individual’s changes in therapy are complicated by the rigidity of the system of relationships in which he is included. Therefore, the assimilation of new experiences gained in therapy is complicated by the need for systemic changes.4. The process of stabilizing the results of therapy requires fairly long-term support from the therapist. Otherwise, regression is inevitable, manifested in a return to previous forms of organizing contact. Myth 7. Gestalt therapy cultivates egoism. This myth is partly true. In view of the thesis we have already mentioned about Gestalt therapy as a project for the development of an individual, it is inevitable to experience a stage of egocentrism associated with increased attention to one’s own desires, motives, and feelings. Obviously, in order to change the way of organizing contact in the environment, an individual needs to concentrate on understanding his own needs that arise in a certain context. Only after completing this primary task is it possible to adequately place oneself in relationships with others who also have their own needs and desires. Thus, ecology dealing with your experiences is a model for building ecological relationships with other people. Gestalt therapy is based on a number of humanistic values, for example, empathy; focusing on resources and capabilities as opposed to focusing on symptoms and impairments; respect for the inner world of another; altruism, which manifests itself in supporting others. Thus, the peculiarity of Gestalt therapy is not the concentration of attention on the poles of the “Self - Others” continuum, but on the restoration of freedom of choice on this continuum in a continuous process of creative adaptation. Only in this case does sensitivity to the boundary of contact with the environment appear and, as a consequence, the possibility of therapeutic changes. Myth 8. You can learn Gestalt therapy in a very short time. Taking short courses in Gestalt therapy taught in psychology departments often creates the illusion of ease of mastering the skills of working as a Gestalt therapist. However, such courses require only a superficial familiarity with the Gestalt approach. Training to become a Gestalt therapist is a much longer process. It is determined by the following factors: 1. The need for personal therapy. Most people who study Gestalt therapy come to the program with unconscious motives to understand themselves and deal with their psychological difficulties. Often these motives are recognized as a projective desire to help others. And only in the process of learning one’s own problems become clear and, acting as a figure, can no longer be ignored. Very soon it becomes obvious that the ability to be a Gestalt therapist is derived from the quality of awareness of one's own obstacles in organizing contact. It turns out that limitations in self-understanding form corresponding obstacles in therapeutic work. In other words, the therapist fails to move the client further than he was able to move himself in his personal therapy. 2. The experiential nature of learning. The specific feature of Gestalt therapy training lies not so much in the process of introjecting the necessary knowledge, but in the assimilation of questioned introjects. The theory and practice of Gestalt therapy are not axiomatic" :(
