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So, friends, let’s figure out how to overcome that same primary symbiotic injury, if it occurs? Here are the recommendations: ✅ Strengthening our own will ✅ Developing the need for independence ✅ Learning recognize reality and illusions ✅ We learn to distinguish our feelings from those adopted ✅ We free ourselves from the captivity of symbiotic relationships. ✅ Desire to create healthy relationships ✅ Be willing to admit your own traumas ✅ Take responsibility for your own actions ✅ Strive for truth and clarity ✅ Give up the desire to save anyone ✅ Love yourself ✅ Don’t lose hope of solving your problems But the most important thing I am for noted herself in the process of working with symbiotic trauma, the key to success in working to get out of symbiotic interweavings and various kinds of dependencies is STRENGTHENING INTERNAL SUPPORTS! After all, only when we learn to stand firmly on our own two feet, feel internal strength and integrity, can any ailment be overcome , do you agree? But how can we strengthen those same internal supports? If we take the model of personality structure according to Eric Berne, our psyche is built on the states of: - inner child - inner parent - inner adult Almost all difficult conditions, experiences, depression and psychosomatics arise in the structure of the personality " Inner child.”Very often we build contact with our “inner child”, heal him, and his condition really improves. But, until the next trigger. Mom, ex-husband or strict boss will call again, a conflict situation will arise, and again there will be a rollback. Depression, apathy and lack of faith in healing. Why can’t we maintain a stable state, where do emotional swings, psychosomatics and various fears come from? Yes, yes, because of weak internal supports. And our support is, first of all, a LOVING “INNER PARENT”. Until we have formed it, we can look for these supports outside for a long time. Run around in search of resources, mentors and close adults who, if something happens, will “put you in their arms,” hug, kiss, pay the mortgage, etc. But you can find that same loving mother and caring father within yourself and forever stop looking for external support, discover your inner potential and resources, and trust yourself. What is your “inner parent” and how does it manifest itself in life??
