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From the author: The article was published on February 27, 2014 on the website: And again about the fragility of existence. “You can fight the enemy in two ways: firstly, by laws, and secondly, by force. The first method is inherent in man, the second in the beast.” Machiavelli Niccolo Events in Ukraine once again forced me to return to the topic of the fragility of existence. What is happening there is meaningless and scary in its essence, and I sincerely sympathize with the people who live in Ukraine, people of all nationalities without exception, I sympathize simply as a human being and wish that none of my colleagues who are now in Ukraine will be affected trouble so that it passes through their homes and families. Someone calls what is happening in Ukraine a revolution, someone - lawlessness, someone - a struggle for power, in fact, it doesn’t matter what words we would appeal to now, what streamlined and veiled phrases we would not resort to, trying to indicate that , what is taking place, we cannot escape from the main thing - from the understanding that something similar can happen at any moment in any country in the world, under any political system and for any reason. And this cannot but affect all of us, leave us indifferent to what is happening, we are all trying to find at least some common sense in all this chaos of events, and it’s tempting to CALL PEOPLE TO STOP, but it is impossible to find a single convincing argument that would was able to stop this senseless bloodshed. Every year, wariness and mistrust grows, we move more and more away from a friendly attitude towards each other, attributing this to difficult difficult times, busyness and much more. But we all understand that it is impossible to live in a world where there is no goodwill in relations between people, where there is no goodness, where evil and betrayal reign. And if each of us tries to become at least a little kinder to people, who will remember that LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and TRUST not only have a place, but also make our world less hostile and more beautiful, and people less embittered, more open and friendly , he will make a feasible contribution to universal harmony. All conflicts, revolutions and wars originate in minds, in minds where hatred, anger, fear, and black envy reign. Don't let your thoughts be filled with reactive negativity, don't give in to rebellious impulses and keep your mind clean and calm. Love what you have, give words of gratitude to each other, do not judge or criticize others, treat other people’s opinions with equal respect and remember - happy people are always satisfied with their lives, which means they are less susceptible to dubious temptations. “When a person is at peace with himself, he is at peace with the world.” Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury
