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Why do men cheat, each of us asks ourselves sooner or later. Some when it has already happened and the rose-colored glasses are irrevocably taken off, and some in an attempt to mitigate a possible shock in the future. Loyalty is more than the absence of sexual relations on the side; it seems to me that it also includes complete acceptance of the partner when the desire to be with someone closer, both spiritually and physically, (that is, the reasons for betrayal) simply does not exist. It is more than possible to achieve this if you start building relationships from the smallest details. If a husband loses fidelity, then this is certainly the wife’s fault. After all, in marriage, mutual feelings should only grow stronger, and spouses should become closer and closer to each other. Keeping this process under control is our main task as women, but almost every consultation I have talks about something else, namely the myth that it is beyond the capabilities of a modern woman. The very first consultation changes everything radically, because everything ingenious is simple. The reason for betrayal most often is that marriage begins to be perceived as something insipid and not bringing anything new to life. This happens in a standard way and is quite obvious to a close eye. At first, words of love are spoken to each other less and less often, simple touches and hugs disappear imperceptibly, and then the passion from intimacy goes to a more interesting place. This is a terrible sequence in itself, but it is natural only if you do not take control over it. A woman is a hearth. The hearth must warm someone. According to scientific research, it is in the little details of relationships that the secret of male fidelity lies. Scientists from the University of Vienna, asking our question “why do men cheat,” found that physical proximity to a partner (that is, when you are literally next to him) has a very strong influence on spouses remaining faithful to each other. They found this out using the example of simple hugs. It turned out that frequent and strong hugs between husband and wife contribute to the fact that intimacy with someone else will not only not arouse interest, but on the contrary, it will cause, to one degree or another, a feeling of discomfort and anxiety. That is, the most powerful weapon against mistresses! During hugs, each spouse produces the so-called “hormone of devotion,” its second name is oxytocin. Its presence in married men makes it much easier for them to remain faithful and become softer and more sensitive to their wives. In addition, their memory improves, blood pressure normalizes, and stress is relieved. Men who are accustomed to frequently hugging their wives, even at the slightest violation of the boundaries of their personal space by someone, even if it is a super sexy individual, feel more emotional tension and discomfort. That is, they have no reason to cheat! Conclusion: “How to avoid cheating?” - “Hug each other more often!” It is clear that this is not the only stone for a strong foundation of relationships. But by laying it today, you have a place near which you can lay the next element for a comfortable life with your loved one, for example, words of tenderness. Remember that loyalty is something you need to work on every day, and not just demand by default..
