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You and I are designed in such a way that when communicating with different people, being in different places, we behave in relation to the social role that is appropriate in a given place and with a given person. It is unlikely that we will behave with our boss the way we behave with our mother, and we will not behave with a store clerk as with a beloved friend. You and I have some masks stocked up for every moment that we wear in public. These masks are designed to maintain our boundaries. Thanks to them, we know exactly where and how it is appropriate to show certain feelings and emotions, how to behave in certain situations, what to say, how to act. Masks are developed experimentally, unnoticeably. Sometimes we don’t even realize how masterfully we use them. We don't notice them, although we use them all the time. However, it is by masks that we are greeted, by them they have an idea of ​​us as this or that person. Masks are neither bad nor good, they are simply a reflection of our various social roles that we live in life (wives, friends, co-workers, passers-by, customers, students, etc.). But there is a risk that with a strong internal desire to avoid internal pain, losses, disappointments, a person can put on a mask of an impenetrable, strong, assertive, cold, indifferent person. Such a mask will be called upon to clearly indicate to everyone the boundaries of a given person’s personality, it will punish anyone who quietly tries to approach its owner. This mask will bring loneliness, pain and vulnerability, but its owner so wanted to avoid all this... But alone with himself, this person most likely wears a completely different mask - a gentle, fragile, sensitive person, very receptive and vulnerable... And what kind of masks Do you wear it in public and alone with yourself? Do you want to know what your masks say and how they present you to others? Do you want to know what mask you wear when you are alone and no one can see you? Then let's complete the following task.
