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Remember how you once wrote out each letter in the copybooks. With considerable difficulty: you had to hold the pen tightly, select a comfortable inclination for writing, adjust your entire posture, carefully write the letters, remembering how to connect them together, etc. Now you have not only learned to write, but you do it unconsciously, thinking only about what to write and not particularly about how exactly it is done. The skill is performed automatically, leaving your mind free for other operations. Likewise with walking, driving a car and even operating your own mobile phone - remember how difficult it is with a new one in the first few days? And then all the skills are consolidated on an unconscious level: the fingers seem to be doing all the necessary operations themselves, hitting the right keys even before your eyes are directed there. Those. everything that we actually learn to do is ultimately automatically performed by our unconscious. Sometimes these programs are rebuilt quite quickly following life: after changing a car with a manual transmission to a new one with an automatic transmission, you pretty soon stop reaching for the lever... And this is a criterion for acquiring mastery in any task: you stop thinking about how you do it - you just do it and that’s it. Unconscious. How you unconsciously control your own heartbeat, the activity of internal organs, blood pressure, etc. It is true that a person acquires competence in the last of these processes even before birth, during the period of intrauterine development. Which is another confirmation of the strange fact discovered by Libet and Feinstein during brain research at the Mount Zion Clinic - the fact that our little-known unconscious is primary in relation to the mind. The mind in this world plays rather the role of a postman, processing and delivering the latest news from the outside to the unconscious, where our true genius lives, on which not only everything we know, but also our own lives depends. This means that you can learn something much faster if you operate directly on the unconscious. Unconscious mastery in any area is usually acquired through long and monotonous repetition until the skill is consolidated at the level of automatism. However, thanks to many decades of development in the science of psychology, modern technologies have emerged that make it possible to acquire this unconscious competence much easier and faster - it requires hours, instead of months and years of training. Therefore, in today's therapy, modeling and acquiring professional qualities are gaining enormous popularity. The second direction of modern psychotherapy is the resolution of problems (including health problems) by accompanying medical treatment by working with one’s own unconscious. Thus teaching our own body new reactions, new adaptations to this world. After all, we often learn not everything we need in the most favorable conditions. In the case of health problems, this often concerns childhood and even the prenatal period. In the vast majority of cases, working with the psyche helps to significantly speed up recovery and reduce side effects from medications.
