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No matter how much I admire the history and culture of the Soviet Union, I cannot help but admit that the ideology implanted in the USSR greatly influenced the psyche of the people who lived at that time. The cult of labor, instilled from the time of the revolution until the end of perestroika, greatly influenced many. Perhaps, in a similar way on another continent, people were influenced by the “American Dream,” the idea of ​​which also presupposed constant movement and the pursuit of some goal, although instead of a collective spirit it was colored by the spirit of individualism and competition. The ideology of the USSR put labor at the forefront. And indeed, until a certain time, the country experienced economic growth, which was only possible with this very superstructure promoting labor. However, in the era of the 70s and 80s, a huge number of jobs appeared in the country, in which there was literally nothing for workers to occupy. Perhaps people of the older generation will correct me, but it seems to me like this: a significant layer of workers remained who actually lived their work, but at the same time a huge number of people appeared who literally did not know what to do in the workplace. Situations in which a person at work could tighten three bolts a day or write two lines of text for a report were the norm. Many began to boast about their slow pace of work, because they received a fairly decent salary. We saw a return to the spirit of activity and activity in the 90s, when many, including former “idlers,” broke loose and began to fight for their existence in the new reality. We can all see what this led to now. On the one hand, people born in the 60s (the conventional age of the parents of my generation) promote constant activity and activity. Many of my peers were told in their youth about the need for constant study, doing homework, attending clubs and sections. On the other hand, these same people are still repeating (albeit to their grandchildren) about the need for higher education (for the basics, so that they can be hired in a “decent” place) and a stable position, in which it doesn’t matter how much you earn, the main thing is where you are something “attached”. They don’t want their child to repeat their experience of struggling for survival and it’s better to let him sit at work from 9 to 6 and receive a penny salary than to beg after some adventures. As a result, we get a “double message” - on the one hand , you must study, be independent, engage in some activity besides studying. On the other hand, they want to protect you from all difficulties and risks, to integrate you into a system where there are no special prospects, only “stability”. Such ambiguous attitudes leave a painful imprint on the child’s psyche. Our parents had no knowledge of the principles of how the psyche works. “Shuttle traders” and other businessmen in the 90s were running around like mad trying to earn something, and the anxiety they felt due to the frantic pace of life could not help but affect their children. Combined with this very “double message”, it’s a nuclear mixture. It’s not surprising that we are now seeing a huge number of children with ADHD and adult procrastinators. And these are still fairly mild symptoms. In the worst case scenario, a subject torn by such a “double message” may fall into psychosis. The best thing a person can do on their own in this state is to establish a work-rest routine. After all, the notorious cognitive psychology has a sufficient number of methods for solving such problems that can be applied independently. But the procrastinator often simply does not know how to take action. His motto is “there is so much around that I don’t want to choose anything!” Indeed, many of our parents talked about anything except that in this life you can do something that, along with money, will bring joy. To some extent, procrastination is a rebellion against this very “double message”, that is, a rebellion both against a stable and boring job, and against.
