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From the author: The perinatal period carries a huge role and potential in the formation of the psycho-emotional and physical state of the future person. During the period of intrauterine development, when the body of the future person is formed, the formation of all vital systems occurs that allows the fetus to live outside the mother’s body after 10 months (according to the lunar calendar). During this relatively short period, all tissues and organs are formed, as well as the brain and spinal cord together, which make up the nervous system of the future person. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, almost all internal organs and systems characteristic of an adult body are formed, the vessels of the lungs are formed, the ventricles of the heart are formed and the embryo takes on a human appearance. Moreover, from the fiftieth day, brain impulses begin to be recorded in the fetus. This fact is evidence of the development of the nervous system of the embryo. In the second month, all parts of the brain differentiate and all layers of the cerebral cortex are formed. Throughout the formation of the fetus, right up to birth, the fetal body is in a symbiotic union with the mother. During this period, the connecting link is the placenta, which communicates through the umbilical cord between the mother and the fetus. So everything that happens to the mother is felt by the fetus under the influence of the hormonal levels produced by the mother’s endocrine system, for example, with prolonged stress or anxiety of the mother, the fetus experiences feelings of anxiety and discomfort. In turn, the hormones secreted by the fetus have an effect on the mother’s body, thereby creating a favorable environment for development. In the same way, the fetus informs the mother’s body that it is ready to be born; when the formation of the lungs is completely completed, the fetus’s body produces hormones that signal readiness for childbirth. In the third month, skin sensitivity appears; in the fourth or fifth month, the fetus can perceive sounds, which indicates the development of the corresponding brain centers, which over the next months are improved and specialized in accordance with the functions performed. During this period, taste is well developed, and the fetus absorbs a certain amount of amniotic fluid daily, giving preference to sweet and bitter. Bertin Andre, in his article, “Nursing in the Womb, or a Tale of Missed Opportunities,” writes, “Intrauterine fluid is affected by everything that the mother eats and drinks. This helps the fetus get used to the taste of the food that it will consume after birth and that is typical for the region where the parents live.” Sensitivity and hearing have been studied in most detail. Developed by Danish doctor, Franz Veldman, the method allows deep contact between father, mother and fetus through the abdominal wall. Which in turn proves the possibility of exposure to the fetus in the prenatal period. Also, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus perceives sounds, for example, when a stranger talks, he may freeze, and if his father regularly communicates with him, the child can recognize his voice immediately after birth. Continued in the next publicationGet a consultation from a perinatal psychologist
