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Have you noticed that in the evening you fall exhausted, realizing that you are too tired for the day, week, month, life...Have you also noticed how much time per day really busy? How much time are you not busy with business (answer yourself here in hours)? What kind of things are you doing? “There’s not enough time for anything” - this is one of the behavioral scenarios from which our Ego drags, that is, the part associated with the idea of ​​​​beauty, and social. How does this scenario manifest itself? - You feel guilty , if you are not busy with anything, or are busy with something “useless”; - You always have things to do, either at work or around the house, that are constantly piling up, and probably no one helps you solve them; - You feel underappreciated; - You haven’t been alone with yourself for a long time, you haven’t done what you love; - You don’t take criticism well. Why do we need this script? Thanks to the “not enough time for anything” scenario, a person has the opportunity to receive his value through caring for others, to overcome the feelings of guilt associated with family scenarios, or for example, the beliefs of the society in which the client lives. In addition, this scenario is inherent in victims who They use their behavior as if they care about others, but then they reproach their loved ones for underestimating them. And this is one of the ways to receive care. How does this affect the body? Usually the scenario manifests itself in frequent flu, surges in blood pressure, since these diseases help to get temporary rest, and at the same time not blame yourself. In this scenario, the individual is characterized by internal conflicts, between “I have to work” and “I want to relax, do my favorite thing.” And this again is emotional stress, when in the end the body gives up and illness appears. What to do? Force yourself to love yourself with rest! Vacation planned. An hour a day should be the law for you, and another half a day once a week. At this time, you should just relax on the bed, or do something you love and absolutely “useless”! At first, yes, it will be difficult! Feelings of guilt, and things to do, and everything seems urgent. But then it will all pass and you will even like it. And of course, at the same time, praise yourself for every minute spent with yourself) So it turns out that after 60 minutes with yourself, you have something to praise yourself for 60 times. Realistically evaluate how much time you spend on this or that task! Since, for example, you can sweep for 10 minutes, or you can take 2 hours, since it’s not urgent, and maybe it’s not important, but you force yourself and get distracted by anything. P.S. A person can constructively complete 3 tasks a day, and the rest is violence against himself. With love for your sores, psychologist, sexologist, psychosomatologist, family coach Tatyana Pavlenko
