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Neural connections form patterns of thinking and behavior. We often make decisions unconsciously according to the usual “chain of working neurons.” The essence of neurography is to “rewrite” on paper, to change the usual pattern of brain neurons. This principle has its place, the microcosm is equal to the macrocosm, what is outside is also inside. It helps to establish a connection with the inner space, to express on paper your tasks, anxieties, and experiences. Helps you see the picture and find answers to your own questions. The technique was developed by psychologist, coach, facilitator, Pavel Piskarev. In total, 4 simple figures are used for the work: a square, a triangle, a circle and lines. Remember that our brain is designed in such a way that it tends to combine together everything that it sees, creating a holistic image? Artists often take advantage of this, creating something that each brain can “complete” in its own way. So in the drawing, you will eventually see what you need. Materials: one marker (for example, black, maybe. And a regular pencil/pen), paper, colored pencils/markers. Technique “Removing restrictions” Stage - actualization of the problem. You need to think about what is bothering you. The job request will be related to what you want to end up with. For example: look at the situation more broadly, work through feelings, what to do to become healthy. Pay attention to the wording, it should not contain “not”, be written on paper with a positive meaning, and put the date of the drawing. And this will be the reverse side of the sheet. Determine the voltage level in connection with this problem. Those. tension when thinking about the problem and emotions when the problem is solved. Concentrate on the body. In this case, you need to mentally direct your tension and look at the tip of the pen (marker) Release. When you feel enough tension to indicate it in space. With a deep exhalation (you can do it loudly with sound), you need to sharply and quickly, in a triangular shape, without thinking, splash out your emotions randomly onto the paper with a pen. Rounding. Round all the corners that you see in the picture from all sides. Angles are perceived as conflicts (internal, external). Remember the phrase “smoothing the corners.” At the same time, the state, emotions, feelings, sensations in the body are monitored. When smoothing, relaxation usually occurs, the person gets pleasure, immersion in the process. The drawing can be rotated (look at the situation from different sides). Draw lines in the drawing (bears a symbol of energy), and it is important that it is broken. It should not be smooth, instinctive, free, there should be no control in it. Hint: as soon as you go to lead the line in one direction, lead the other. The entire sheet is used, not just part of it. There can be as many of them as you see fit. If there are lines remaining from the triangles, draw along them too. Afterwards, it is also necessary to round off all the angles obtained on the lines themselves and at their intersections. Everything is still completely rounded. Next, the areas are painted over randomly and intuitively with colored markers/pencils. In this case, as a rule, several areas are painted at once, rather than just one. Field lines. Afterwards one or more lines are indicated with a thicker and more saturated color. They look basic in the drawing. Everything created is given fixation. Now you need to find an arc that you would like to turn into a large circle. Swipe and label it. And also smooth out the corners. Admire your creation. Become aware of feelings, emotions. Are you familiar with the method? ?
