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Perhaps the question arises in your mind: “Was I that bad guy?” And here the answer is simple – yes, you were bad, perhaps even very bad. In your relationship there were less positives than negatives. A bad person is one who has some shortcomings, yes, there are positive traits, but there are more shortcomings. If a woman who is attracted to bad people meets a good one, most likely nothing will work out for them. Girls need emotions and she will become bored in those relationships where everything is vanilla and good. It is on a subconscious level that she needs emotional swings and problems that will be created by a man, not by her. She will be some kind of heroine, sacrificing herself to save the relationship. And this brings her considerable pleasure, even she may not realize it. You should also think about it, you broke up, and what did she do to save the relationship? Was she invested in them? Did she fight for them? If it was easy for her to break up with you. She will most likely change men one after another. She has the principle “if you don’t like it, leave.” 2. How the separation happened. For example, she loved you very much, and you left her. Or she loved you, but you were a “bad guy” and she left on her own. She still has feelings for you, it will be difficult for her to get over the breakup, she will constantly think about you. Even when she starts a new relationship, she will understand that he is kind, sweet, etc., but she will not love him (logical attraction). Another option is that she will go all out and change men like gloves, especially if after breaking up her self-esteem has suffered! And there is a high probability that she will return to you if you act correctly (and how correctly I say in personal consultations and in my articles) A ​​woman also leaves a man when she has completely lost interest in him. She may even have another man. Only emotional buildup works here. (I’ll tell you more in another article) ignoring and similar things definitely won’t work. If she sees how you have changed, she understands that you are not going to run after her, she sees how much has begun to happen in your life, you communicate with other girls, etc. - this will definitely hook her. 3. Her worldview and goals. If she believes in a prince on a white horse, then she will jump from relationship to relationship, looking for that same prince with a horse. Having met a man who will satisfy part of her needs, she has new ones will appear and the search for another suitor will begin with her new requests. Example: she wants to be rich, live and not deny herself anything. Ok, I found it, bam and a new need - passion and romance. I went to look for another and so on and in a circle. So there will be a pursuit of her ephemeral desires, which often change. If your girlfriend or wife left you? If your marriage is bursting at the seams on the verge of divorce? Need help getting rid of love addiction or developing yourself? Need help finding yourself? Or are there any other requests? Write to me - we’ll figure it out and solve your problem!
