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A happy, friendly family is the main support of life. It is worth working hard for the family to be a fortress for us, protecting us from all the troubles of life. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! A. Shibaev In a family, you cannot do everything on a whim, guided only by your heart and feelings; you need to know at least a few basic rules. I offer you six of the most important, fundamental ones. They help me in my own family and in my work with other families. I hope they will help you too.1. First of all, if you are a family, then you are a team. In a good team, success belongs to the person who achieved it, and failures are shared equally. For example: while visiting, your son broke an expensive vase. If you say: “He’s always like this... Well, forgive him, he’s a child,” then you don’t have a team: there are adults - separately, and a child - separately. “WE broke your vase” - that’s the command. Exposing someone from the family circle to a public flogging is terrible. This is the most difficult problem that grown children come with. This is very difficult to overcome, even when you are an adult who has understood and forgiven everything. This is somewhere very deep in memory, on the lower layers of the psyche. Reverse example: the husband received a promotion. Wife: “Of course, it’s me who creates all the conditions for him, provides him with a daily life - why not build a career.” You can devalue any success, but from your loved one, the person closest to you, you expect joy and pride in your achievements, and not malicious tricks! In a good team, there is no need to belittle your partner in order to show yourself in a favorable light. After all, everyone is equally important, and every contribution to the well-being of the family is equal. So the opposite position, the often encountered male view “I work, and she sits at home” is also fundamentally wrong. If you live in harmony, no one will defeat you; and if you quarrel and everyone is apart, everyone will easily destroy you. L.N. Tolstoy. So, rule one: the family is strong in integrity. further
